To infinity and beyond! It’s no longer just a popular catchphrase—now you can create your very own Infinity thanks to the powerful tools and versatility of Infinite Craft, so let’s show you how.
Ever wanted to create your own President? Or Kanye West? The sheer endless possibilities in Infinite Craft, thanks to its use of AI, lets you craft countless items and combinations.
Above all, though, the Infinity recipe might be the pick of the bunch. Not just because of the sheer scale, size, and magnitude of the concept, but because it requires close to 500 elements to make.
Infinity recipe in Infinite Craft

The final combination to finish the Infinity recipe is Forever and Lake. The first of these is apt, as it takes almost forever to craft the Infinity element. Simply put, according to the geniuses behind Infinite Craft Solver, Infinity requires 439 steps if you’re beginning from scratch.
If you’re dedicated, and perhaps just really, really bored, here’s the recipe in its entirety:
- Water + Wind = Wave
- Fire + Wind = Smoke
- Earth + Water = Plant
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Water + Wave = Tsunami
- Plant + Smoke = Incense
- Plant + Wave = Seaweed
- Earth + Steam = Mud
- Plant + Water = Swamp
- Wave + Wind = Storm
- Fire + Steam = Engine
- Dust + Wind = Sandstorm
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Steam + Wave = Surf
- Smoke + Steam = Cloud
- Incense + Tsunami = Poseidon
- Mud + Seaweed = Mudweed
- Tsunami + Water = Ocean
- Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
- Dust + Storm = Tornado
- Earth + Tsunami = Island
- Plant + Steam = Tea
- Dust + Wave = Sand
- Engine + Wind = Windmill
- Earth + Plant = Tree
- Dust + Plant = Pollen
- Planet + Sandstorm = Mars
- Surf + Tsunami = Surfer
- Sandstorm + Wind = Dust Storm
- Cloud + Engine = Jet
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Engine + Plant = Car
- Engine + Swamp = Train
- Earth + Engine = Tractor
- Engine + Seaweed = Submarine
- Mudweed + Poseidon = Squid
- Incense + Ocean = Sea
- Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
- Smoke + Swamp = Dragon
- Earth + Island = Continent
- Sand + Tea = Sandwich
- Tree + Windmill = Paper
- Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
- Dust + Mars = Rover
- Mud + Surfer = Muddy
- Cloud + Planet = Sky
- Dust Storm + Tree = Tumbleweed
- Jet + Poseidon = Jetski
- Lava + Smoke = Volcano
- Plant + Wind = Dandelion
- Car + Engine = Racecar
- Island + Train = Ferry
- Submarine + Tractor = Tank
- Sea + Squid = Kraken
- Funnel Cake + Swamp = Gator
- Continent + Dragon = Europe
- Train + Wind = Zephyr
- Paper + Sandwich = Wrapper
- Engine + Planet = Saturn
- Incense + Swamp = Mosquito
- Engine + Tree = Wood
- Allergy + Sand = Hay
- Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
- Muddy + Rover = Dog
- Sand + Venus Flytrap = Sandtrap
- Planet + Sky = Star
- Dust + Incense = Prayer
- Jetski + Tumbleweed = Cowboy
- Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
- Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
- Continent + Racecar = America
- Smoke + Water = Fog
- Incense + Water = Perfume
- Ferry + Mars = Martian
- Continent + Tank = Tanktop
- Gator + Kraken = Gatorade
- Europe + Rover = Curiosity
- Wrapper + Zephyr = Candy
- Mosquito + Saturn = Saturn V
- Lava + Wave = Stone
- Storm + Water = Rain
- Surf + Tree = Palm
- Dandelion + Water = Wine
- Earth + Tree = Forest
- Hay + Wood = Straw
- Dog + Maple = Squirrel
- Incense + Sandtrap = Trap
- Prayer + Star = Angel
- Carnivore + Cowboy = Vegetarian
- America + Fireworks = Independence Day
- Mud + Windmill = Pig
- Fog + Tree = Ghost
- Tsunami + Wind = Hurricane
- Fog + Planet = Venus
- Martian + Perfume = Stink
- Gatorade + Tanktop = Athlete
- Candy + Curiosity = Kid
- Perfume + Saturn V = Apollo
- Plant + Stone = Fossil
- Sand + Tree = Desert
- Earth + Planet = Moon
- Tree + Water = River
- Rain + Submarine = Periscope
- Car + Palm = Coconut
- Car + Earth = Tire
- Mud + Wave = Beach
- Forest + Wine = Drunk
- Mosquito + Sandstorm = Malaria
- Squirrel + Straw = Nest
- Car + Fog = Accident
- Angel + Trap = Devil
- Planet + Tractor = Tractor Beam
- Car + Island = Parking
- Independence Day + Vegetarian = Vegetarian Day
- Ghost + Pig = Bacon
- Dandelion + Engine = Helicopter
- Steam + Tsunami = Titanic
- Earth + Pollen = Flower
- Ferry + Train = Bus
- Funnel Cake + Tractor = Tractor Cake
- Ghost + Jet = Pilot
- Hurricane + Jet = Airplane
- Dust + Fire = Ash
- Train + Venus = Vulcan
- Athlete + Stink = Sweat
- Apollo + Kid = Child
- Desert + Fossil = Oil
- Moon + Mud = Cheese
- River + Water = Lake
- Dust + Engine = Vacuum
- Coconut + Periscope = Monocle
- Periscope + Tire = Spy
- Tractor + Windmill = Farm
- Beach + Palm = Paradise
- Dandelion + Plant = Weed
- Cloud + Tsunami = Rainbow
- Drunk + Forest = Party
- Island + Malaria = Panama
- Accident + Nest = Egg
- Devil + Paper = Contract
- Parking + Tractor Beam = Traffic Warden
- Bacon + Vegetarian Day = Hypocrite
- Helicopter + Stone = Stonehenge
- Lava + Sand = Glass
- Mud + Tsunami = Mudslide
- Flower + Titanic = Rose
- Fire + Mud = Brick
- Venus Flytrap + Windmill = Wind Turbine
- Bus + Palm = Tourist
- Fireworks + Tractor Cake = Birthday
- Airplane + Pilot = Flight
- Tree + Venus = Apple
- Ash + Ocean = Salt
- Poseidon + Vulcan = Cyclops
- Child + Sweat = Teenager
- America + Ferry = Liberty
- Cheese + Oil = Pizza
- Jet + Plant = Fuel
- Lake + Parking = Lot
- Dandelion + Titanic = Iceberg
- Planet + Vacuum = Black Hole
- Allergy + Volcano = Sneeze
- Maple + Monocle = Professor
- Farm + Spy = Farmer
- Fog + Paradise = Heaven
- Ash + Tree = Pencil
- Train + Weed = Trainwreck
- Fireworks + Tire = Explosion
- Rainbow + Weed = Pot of Gold
- Panama + Party = Hat
- Contract + Egg = Chicken
- Hypocrite + Traffic Warden = Politician
- Glass + Stonehenge = Time
- Mudslide + Tsunami = Disaster
- Lava + Mud = Clay
- Hay + Rose = Sleeping Beauty
- Brick + Earth = House
- Jet + Surfer = Ironman
- Tea + Windmill = Dutch
- Island + Wind Turbine = Wind Farm
- Flower + Moon = Night
- Birthday + Tourist = Vacation
- Flight + Tree = Bird
- Seaweed + Stone = Coral
- Ash + Water = Puddle
- Moon + Nest = Owl
- Planet + Stone = Meteor
- Apple + Maple = Pie
- Dust + Vacuum = Clean
- Cyclops + Salt = Tear
- Drunk + Lake = Swim
- Liberty + Teenager = Rebel
- Fuel + Pizza = Delivery
- Lot + Lot = Village
- Lake + Paper = Map
- Black Hole + Iceberg = Dark Matter
- Sneeze + Train = Snot
- Incense + Sand = Snake
- Poseidon + Venus Flytrap = Medusa
- Farmer + Professor = Scientist
- Angel + Heaven = God
- Cowboy + Pencil = Draw
- Swamp + Tractor = Monster Truck
- River + Trainwreck = Bridge
- Explosion + Fuel = Bomb
- Pot of Gold + Smoke = Leprechaun
- Chicken + Hat = Chef
- Bus + Politician = Campaign
- Disaster + Time = History
- Planet + Surf = Surfing
- Cloud + Seaweed = Sushi
- Clay + Island = Pottery
- Dandelion + Planet = Sun
- House + Sleeping Beauty = Castle
- Dutch + Ironman = Robot
- Lava + Wind Farm = Geothermal Plant
- Night + Time = Dark
- Ash + Earth = Soil
- Fog + Plant = Mushroom
- Bird + Vacation = Migration
- Coral + Stone = Pearl
- Owl + Puddle = Wisdom
- Meteor + Stonehenge = Alien
- Clean + Pie = Whole
- Swim + Tear = Cry
- Delivery + Rebel = Strike
- Map + Village = City
- America + Dark Matter = Trump
- Snake + Snot = Booger
- Medusa + Parking = Ticket
- God + Scientist = Creation
- Draw + Explosion = Art
- Ironman + Maple = Ironwood
- America + Monster Truck = Freedom
- Bridge + Tree = Troll
- Bomb + Disaster = Terrorist
- Leprechaun + Plant = Shamrock
- Earth + Mudslide = Landslide
- Chef + Village = Restaurant
- Campaign + Ghost = Election
- Chef + History = Cookbook
- Sandstorm + Surfing = Sandboarding
- Poseidon + Rain = Flood
- Steam + Tea = Teapot
- Earth + Ferry = Land
- Rainbow + Venus = Love
- Pottery + Sushi = Plate
- Castle + Sun = Palace
- Stone + Swamp = Statue
- Geothermal Plant + Robot = Judge
- Dark + Steam = Shadow
- Cheese + Soil = Mouse
- Flower + Paper = Book
- Mushroom + Tsunami = Mario
- Dust + Fog = Smog
- Liberty + Migration = Immigration
- Dutch + Pearl = Gift
- Alien + Wisdom = Knowledge
- Funnel Cake + Stone = Funnel
- Cry + Whole = Hole
- City + Strike = Riot
- Booger + Trump = President
- Delivery + Ticket = Post
- Art + Creation = Artist
- Pig + Pot of Gold = Piggy Bank
- Malaria + Venus Flytrap = Malaria Flytrap
- Freedom + Ironwood = Slavery
- Terrorist + Troll = Internet
- Bus + Earth = Truck
- Landslide + Shamrock = Luck
- Clay + Flower = Vase
- Election + Restaurant = Voting
- Cookbook + Fireworks = Recipe
- Flood + Sandboarding = Fun
- Swamp + Teapot = Witch
- Plant + Sandwich = Salad
- Dandelion + Fog = Fairy
- Land + Prayer = Temple
- Love + Tree = Heart
- Palace + Plate = Dinner
- Judge + Statue = Justice
- Mouse + Shadow = Rat
- Book + Contract = Law
- Hay + Mario = Strawberry
- Smog + Wind Farm = Clean Air
- House + Immigration = Home
- Gift + Tree = Christmas
- City + Knowledge = University
- Car + Funnel = Gas
- Hole + Politician = Scandal
- President + Riot = Protest
- Artist + Post = Poster
- Malaria Flytrap + Piggy Bank = Money
- Cheese + Sandwich = Grilled Cheese
- Internet + Slavery = Social Media
- Luck + Truck = Fortune
- Lava + Stone = Obsidian
- Funnel Cake + Vase = Urn
- Planet + Sandtrap = Golf
- Pollen + Seaweed = Kelp
- Tea + Voting = Democracy
- Fun + Recipe = Cooking
- Cloud + Windmill = Energy
- Salad + Witch = Poison
- Fairy + Glass = Mirror
- Heart + Temple = Church
- Swamp + Train = Monster
- Dinner + Night = Date
- Airplane + Justice = Lawsuit
- Law + Rat = Lawyer
- Clean Air + Strawberry = Fruit
- Christmas + Home = Family
- Gas + University = Chemistry
- Prayer + Scandal = Politics
- Immigration + Sweat = Labor
- Poster + Protest = Protester
- Grilled Cheese + Money = Rich
- Fortune + Social Media = Fame
- Surfer + Vacuum = Dyson
- Hay + Obsidian = Scythe
- Submarine + Swamp = Loch Ness Monster
- Golf + Urn = Coffin
- Kelp + Train = Bullet Train
- Cooking + Democracy = Food
- Energy + Time = Light
- Hurricane + Steam = Steamboat
- Cloud + Tractor = Crop
- Mirror + Poison = Vampire
- Church + Pie = Piece
- Date + Monster = Romance
- Lawsuit + Scientist = Patent
- Fruit + Lawyer = Banana
- Chemistry + Family = Dad
- Labor + Politics = Union
- Pizza + Protester = Slice
- Fame + Rich = Celebrity
- Dyson + Stonehenge = Time Machine
- Cowboy + Dutch = Yodeling
- Car + Dust = Rust
- Night + Party = Sleepover
- Rich + Train = Orient Express
- Loch Ness Monster + Scythe = Grim Reaper
- Bullet Train + Coffin = Coffin Dodger
- Food + Village = Market
- Justice + Light = Truth
- Crop + Steamboat = Cotton
- Fuel + Vampire = Blood
- Mosquito + Poseidon = Skeeter
- Funnel Cake + Hay = Candy Cane
- Bomb + Piece = Peace
- Patent + Romance = Invention
- Banana + Map = Trip
- Dad + River = Father
- Steam + Venus = Life
- Coconut + Dandelion = Hair
- Slice + Union = Cut
- Celebrity + Tear = Drama
- Clean Air + Time Machine = Future
- Rust + Yodeling = Country
- Orient Express + Sleepover = Murder
- Coffin Dodger + Grim Reaper = Death
- Dad + Market = Grocery
- Malaria + Sushi = Sick
- Ash + Pollen = Cough
- Palace + Truth = Lie
- Blood + Cotton = Bandage
- Cloud + Fire = Lightning
- Golf + Skeeter = Tiger
- Candy Cane + Obsidian = Diamond
- Invention + Peace = Silence
- Father + Trip = Business
- Dandelion + Golf = Puffball
- Hair + Life = Mane
- Chemistry + Cut = Surgery
- Drama + Gift = Tragedy
- Country + Future = Nation
- Death + Murder = Suicide
- Grocery + Peace = Shopping
- Cough + Sick = Medicine
- Athlete + Lie = Cheat
- Bandage + Ironwood = Nail
- Lightning + Sushi = Electric Eel
- Diamond + Tiger = Ring
- Business + Silence = Success
- Mane + Puffball = Lion
- Post + Surgery = Recovery
- Gas + Tragedy = Comedy
- Contract + Nation = Constitution
- Shopping + Suicide = Sale
- Cheat + Medicine = Drug
- Electric Eel + Nail = Battery
- Post + Ring = Mail
- Lion + Success = Pride
- Comedy + Recovery = Laughter
- Constitution + Cry = Amendment
- Hat + Sale = Discount
- Battery + Drug = Speed
- Mail + Weed = Mailman
- Laughter + Pride = Satisfaction
- Amendment + Life = Abortion
- Discount + Professor = Lecture
- Cotton + Speed = Race
- Kraken + Mushroom = Soup
- Lawsuit + Palm = Slap
- Mailman + Perfume = Stamp
- Mud + Weed = Pot
- Stone + Windmill = Flour
- Clay + Sandtrap = Claymore
- Internet + Satisfaction = Impossible
- Abortion + Fun = Funding
- Delivery + Lecture = Speech
- President + Race = Racist
- Slap + Soup = Fight
- Pot + Stamp = Coin
- Claymore + Flour = Bread
- Funding + Impossible = Possible
- Racist + Speech = Hate
- Fight + Pilot = Fighter
- Bread + Coin = Economy
- Possible + Whole = Potential
- Fighter + Hate = Enemy
- Economy + Scandal = Recession
- Enemy + Potential = Friend
- Planet + Tsunami = Earthquake
- Recession + Sandwich = Depression
- Earthquake + Friend = Fault
- Depression + Prayer = Hope
- Monster + Perfume = Beauty
- Business + Fault = Bankruptcy
- Hope + Lion = Courage
- Bankruptcy + Beauty = Ugly
- Courage + Suicide = Hero
- Hero + Ugly = Beast
- Dust + Mosquito = Dengue
- Beast + Date = Together
- Dengue + Hay = Fever
- Fever + Together = Forever
- Forever + Lake = Infinity
Bravo if you made it to the end of this walkthrough. If you did, you now have Infinity added to your recipe playbook.
Infinity combinations in Infinity Craft
Now that you’ve got Infinity in your hands, you’ve opened the door to endless possibilities of using it to create even more weird and wonderful elements. Here are some of the most fun combinations we’ve discovered:
- Infinity + Engine = God
- Infinity + Diamond = Forever
- Infinity + Stone = Ouroboros
- Infinity + Steam = Time
- Infinity + Civil War = Infinity War
- Infinity + Love = Forever
- Infinity + Time = Eternity
You should also check out our list of all Infinite Craft recipes, as it’s ever-expanding.
Published: Mar 1, 2024 05:08 am