The sixth set within Teamfight Tactics will finally launch this week and Patch 11.22 is packed with details you may have missed about Gizmos and Gadgets so far.
Scheduled to release on Nov. 3, TFT Set Six provides a number of strategies via Hextech Augments and new champions to keep each game feeling fresh and unique. The new Gizmos and Gadgets set is also full of new information.
From cosmetics and system changes to traits and champions, here’s a breakdown of TFT Set Six via the Patch 11.22 notes.
Set Six champions, traits, items, and Hextech Augments.
The sixth set in TFT contains a total of 58 champions and 27 traits. In addition, Gizmos and Gadgets features over 140 possible Hextech Augment effects. Players will choose up to three Hextech Augments per game at Stages 1-3, 3-5, and 5-1.
A number of changes were applied to items within TFT Set Six, from several reworks to balance changes. All item balance changes taking place with the launch of Gizmos and Gadgets can be found here.
Set Six Labs and Hyper Roll changes
The Hyper Roll Lab within Set Six will remain, showcasing round time, gameplay, gold, and Armory changes that can all be found here. The new Double Up Lab will join Hyper Roll via Patch 11.23 on Nov. 17.
PBE to live balance changes
A large number of balance changes were applied to TFT Set Six for its official release. The adjustments hit just about everything, from Hextech Augments to traits and champions. The Enchanter trait was given a rework and several Mutant possibilities were adjusted. A full list of every change from the PBE to TFT Set Six at launch can be found here.
Set Six cosmetics, bundles, and battle pass
The TFT Set Six battle pass will become available at launch via the store for 1,295 Riot Points. It will include three new booms: Chemtech Surprise, Aracana Coil, and Missle Party. The Set Six battle pass also contains Dr. Shisa and Arcane Sprite, along with the Sky high Station, Chemtech Plaza, and Shisha’s Study Arenas.
Set Six will feature new avatars, now officially called Tacticians, via Chibi Champions. In conjunction with the release of Arcane on Netflix, the three Chibi Champions are Jinx, Vi, and Ekko. Each miniaturized Tactician is priced at 1,900 Riot Points.
New Little Legends with Ingenious Inventor eggs will also join the Tactician ranks, featuring Duckbill, Piximander, and Gloop. Purchasable Arenas within Set Six include Vi and Jinx’s Arena, priced at 1,380 Riot Points when purchased individually. Players can also opt to pick up a Vi or Jinx Arena via three TFT Set Six bundles.
- G&G pass-plus bundle: This includes the Set Six battle pass, a one-star Piximander, a one-star Duckbill, a one-star Gloob, and two bonus Ingenious Inventor eggs. The bundle is priced at 3,206 Riot Points or $24.99 via mobile.
- G&G Sister’s bundle: This includes the Set Six battle pass, a Jinx Arena, a Vi Arena, one Chibi Vi, and one Chibi Jinx. The bundle is priced at 6,500 Riot Points or $49.99 via mobile.
- G&G Megabundle: This bundle includes a Set Six battle pass, Jinx Arena, Vi Arena, one Chibi Jinx, one Chibi Vi, one Chibi Ekko, 12 Ingenious Inventor eggs, and nine bonus Ingenious Inventor eggs. The price for the Megabundle is 12,990 Riot Points or $99.99 via mobile.
Ranked rewards and new ranked season
Ranked rewards for TFT Set Five and 5.5 will be released via Patch 11.23. Details for those rewards can be found here. The new Set Six ranked season will feature a number of changes, from the demotion of tiers to what rank all players will start at.
- From Iron to Masters tier, players will no longer get demoted upon reaching that tier. Division demotions within a tier will still take place while players in Grandmaster and Challenger are subject to tier demotions.
- The Ranked ladder will start upon Set Six going live in your region.
- All players in TFT Set Six will start at Iron II.
- All players will receive five provisional matches following the ranked reset. During those games, players will not lose any LP and can gain extra LP for finishing in the top four of a lobby.
- All Hyper Roll ranks will get reset to 500.
Published: Nov 2, 2021 6:14 PM UTC