All players who ranked Gold or higher in Set 5.5 are eligible for Teamfight Tactics rewards that range from Little Legends to emotes.
The TFT Set 5.5 ranked rewards are scheduled to drop in Patch 11.23 on Nov. 17. These rewards are for players who hit the Gold rank or higher in just Set 5.5 or in both Set Five and 5.5. The Hyper Roll ranked ladder counts as well.
Players who hit Gold or above in both halves of TFT Set Five will get Victorious Nixie and Chaotic Triumphant Nixie Little Legends. Those who ranked Gold or higher for at least one half of Set Five will receive the Victorious Nixie Little Legend.
Players will also get a celebratory Nixie emote for ranking Gold and higher during Set 5.5, with the headdress on Nixie showcasing the rank achieved. And Hyper Roll players are eligible to get an Order Sprite emote for those who ranked Blue or higher in Set 5.5.
The TFT Set 5.5 ranked season will come to a close with the launch of Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets on Nov. 3 via Patch 11.22. Many aspects of the game are shifting with the new set, from items to the new mechanic Hextech Augment.
Set Six contains a total of 58 champions with a total of 27 new traits. Hyper Roll will remain a playable Lab in Set Six, joined by the team-based Lab Double Up. Set Six is playable on the PBE now and will officially launch on Nov. 3.
Published: Oct 26, 2021 7:15 PM UTC