The Experiment comp has seen ups and downs throughout Teamfight Tactics Set 13. However, with the right setup, it still remains one of the best A-tier comps in the game. Here’s everything you need to know about playing Experiments correctly in TFT Set 13.6.
Table of contents
Best Experiment comp in TFT
Carry champs and best items
To successfully play the Experiment comp, you need at least two of these carry units set up with their best items.
Getting 2-star and potentially 3-star on Twitch is your highest priority as he’s your primary carry for the Experiment comp. Item priority is as follows:
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade(High Priority)
- Red Buff
- Infinity Edge

Caitlyn is the second sniper unit you want to run to beef up your damage.
- Deathblade
- Blue Buff
Mundo will be your primary tank who needs the most defensive items.
- Bramble Vest
- Redemption
- Dragon Claw
- Warmog’s Armor
Vi is an alternate carry if you don’t get Caitlyn and can’t secure the best items for Twitch. Vi is also the best unit for the Experiment Emblem.
- Bloodthirster
- Experiment Emblem
- Sterak’s Gage

Alternatively, Urgot can also make use of the same items, but you would have to get a 3-star Urgot or a 2-star Urgot with the best items to get the maximum value. Getting a 3-star Urgot with Experiment Twitch is extremely strong.
How to play
Right now, the best variant of Experiment in Teamfight Tactics is the Experiment Twitch Flex comp. The plan is to play a total of four Experiments, one Emblem, and then bulk up your board with powerful Bruisers and Form Swappers. Here’s what your Endgame board needs to look like.

This is a Fast 8 comp, as getting units such as Twitch, Mundo, and Vi is absolutely critical for the success of this comp. Your endboard will feature Caitlyn to pair up with Twitch, Elise as a strong frontline tank with the Bruiser Trait, and Jayce as your third offensive backline option with the Form Swapper Trait. Just make sure you’re equipping Mundo and Twitch with their best items and placing the Experiment units on the right hexes.
Your main damage units will be Twitch, Jayce, and Caitlyn, who should all be placed far apart. While uncommon, getting a Warwick offers you a lot more flexibility with the comp, and you should always slot him in if you can get him. Replacing Vi with Warwick is a valid option, especially if you don’t have an Experiment Emblem.
We suggest this comp instead of the Vertical 7 Experiment comp because it lets you replace weaker Experiment units like Zyra with good 5-costs that provide solid Traits for your Twitch carry and frontline.
Early game plan
In the early game, you need to gain momentum quickly, so you can opt for either Conquerors or a basic Enforcers Bruiser setup with Maddie, Steb, Trundle, and Zeri. Try to get an early AD carry unit and slam Bow items on them. This lets you coast through the early game while preparing items for late-game carries. Experiment Bruisers are fairly strong early on, and the best Rageblade holders are Maddie and Zeri. If you want to win early, follow standard leveling intervals while generating a strong economy, and don’t bother with rerolls yet.

For Stage 3, you want to activate the Experiment Trait and get a few Bruisers on your board with one or two tank items. These will then be placed on your main frontline units once you hit them during the mid-game.
Mid game plan
You’re supposed to econ up for a Fast 8 strategy, so avoid unnecessary rerolls and purchases. Your goal is to hit level 8 quickly and then aim to stabilize with a 2-star Mundo and a 2-star Twitch. You should also flex another 4-cost AD carry alongside Twitch, such as Corki, Vi, or Ambessa, who can carry AD items for the 5-cost units you’re fishing for. This comp requires you to hit level nine to make the full board so don’t waste your gold with unnecessary rerolls and slowly make your way up to level nine.

Once you’re at level nine, fish for Caitlyn, Jayce, and Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser goes in your frontline, while Caitlyn and Jayce are your secondary damage units alongside Twitch. This can be a lot to ask for, so don’t hesitate to pick up other strong 5-cost units like Junker King.
Recommended Anomalies
The best targets for the Anomaly are Twitch and Dr. Mundo. If you have enough tank items, give the Anomaly to Twitch, however, if you feel that your frontline in lacking, then you should aim to beef it up by giving Dr. Mundo a tank Anomaly.
Here are the best Anomalies for Twitch
- Dragonsoul
- Mini-Mees
Here are the best Anomalies for Dr. Mundo
- Fortified
- Giant-Sized
- Deep Roots
Recommended Augments
Here are the best Augments you should look out for:
- Experiment Crown
- Experiment Crest
- The Mutation Survives
- All That Shimmers
- Piercing Lotus II
Published: Feb 20, 2025 8:30 AM UTC