Riot Games is preparing for the Dragonlands World Championship with a number of large and small balance changes within the Teamfight Tactics 12.20 patch.
The TFT Dragonlands World Championship is scheduled to take place from Nov. 18 to 20. Leading up to it are the NA Last Chance Qualifier tournament and multiple Regional Finals. Patch 12.20 is the final update prior to the TFT Worlds patch, containing a large number of changes that are intended to even out the meta rather than disrupt it.
Mobile players can rejoice over finally getting a friend list chat in Patch 12.20. Chibi Ashe has arrived in TFT in true Freljord style, found in Dragonmancer Archer eggs or through direct purchase in the store. And Zz’Rot Portal will no longer have a maximum taunt range of four Hexes, taunting all units that are in range to attack the item holder.

System changes were implemented that removed five gold drops from Blue orbs and tweaks were made to the Treasure Dragon, removing extreme high-roll cases. Order Dragon was reduced from 100 to 80 gold and Chaos Dragon had Zeke’s Herald removed as a possible item. Players will also notice that champion health bars will remain while units are fighting for both PC and mobile players.
Here are the full TFT Dragonlands Uncharted Realms 12.20 patch notes.
Patch 12.20 TFT trait balance changes

Most of the trait changes are minor tweaks within TFT Patch 12.20. Guild was hit the hardest with nerfs to Twitch and a Guild Emblem, while the multiplier was reduced slightly at the top end. Jade also took a hit at the breakpoint of five through a significant attack speed nerf. And the Cavalier trait received minor buffs.
- Assassin: Critical strike chance adjusted from 20/40/75 to 20/50/75 percent
- Cannoneer: Cannon shot attack damage ratio adjusted from 150/250/450 to 150/275/450 percent
- Cavalier: Armor and magic resistance buffed from 30/45/60/75/110 to 35/50/65/85/110
- Darkflight: Bonus health adjusted from 500/750/1000/1800 to 500/750/1000/1600
- Dragonmancer: Bonus ability power adjusted from 20/35/50/70 to 25/40/50/70
- Guardian: Maximum health percentage shield adjusted from 25/40/70/125 to 25/40/80/130 percent
- Guild Twitch: Attack speed reduced from 13 to 11 percent
- Guild Emblem: Omnivamp reduced from four to three percent
- Guild: Multiplier adjusted from 100/110/120/130/140/150/165/180 to 100/110/120/130/140/150/160/175 percent
- Jade: Statue attack speed adjusted from 10/30/55/88 to 10/22/55/88 percent
- Ragewing: Attack speed adjusted from 50/100/150/250 to 50/100/150/275 percent
- Ragewing: Ominivamp adjusted from 15/30/45/75 to 15/30/45/85 percent
Patch 12.20 TFT Draconic Augment balance changes

A majority of the TFT Patch 12.20 Draconic Augment adjustments were large changes. Augments like Jade Crest and Cutthroat were completely removed. Double Trouble was nerfed across the board, while it and Built Different are no longer offered to players at multiple tiers. Several Ornn Artifacts from Portable Forge were nerfed and attack speed was removed from Scoped Weapons Prismatic.
Big changes
- Beast’s Den: The Shapeshifter Augment had its attack and movement speed reduced from 35 to 25 percent
- Built Different: Players will no longer get offered multiple tiers of Built Different
- Cutthroat: Removed
- Darkflight Crown: The item offered changed from Protector’s Vow to Titan’s Resolve
- Double Trouble: Bonus attack damage, ability power, armor, and magic resistance nerfed from 22/33/44 to 20/30/40
- Double Trouble: Players will no longer get offered multiple tiers of Double Trouble
- Gadget Expert: Direct damage item bonus true damage reduced from 33 to 25 percent
- Jade Crest: Removed
- Mage Crown: The champion granted was changed from Sylas to Lux
- Personal Training: The champion granted was changed from Olaf to Jax
- Portable Forge: The Collector gold chance was reduced from 50 to 40 percent
- Portable Forge: Infinity Force stats reduced from 30 to 25
- Portable Forge: Zhonya’s Paradox ability power reduced from 50 to 40
- Preparation: A new rework was added that has champions start at one stack
- Preparation: Health per stack nerfed from 30/45/60 to 25/35/50
- Preparation: Attack damage and ability power per stack nerfed from 5/7/10 to 4/5/8
- Scoped Weapons Prismatic: No longer grants 10 percent attack speed
- Think Fast: No longer offered at Stage 2-1
Small changes
- Big Friend: Health requirements nerfed from 1650 to 1800
- Binary Airdrop: Players will no longer get the Augment offered if they have two or more Darkflgiht units
- Dragon Imperialist: Augment was blacklisted from Double Trouble, Dragon Soul, and Woodland Charm
- Knife’s Edge Prismatic: Attack damage nerfed from 40 to 35
- Mystic Soul: No longer offered at Stage 2-1
- Soul Siphon: No longer offered at Stage 2-1
Patch 12.20 TFT champion balance changes

Multiple levers were adjusted for TFT Set 7.5 champions within Patch 12.20. Many champions had their three-star stats buffed, while others like Nilah, Karma, and Terra were nerfed. Nomsy took a hit to their spell damage while the Evoker and Cannoneer options were buffed. Rengar was nerfed, along with Pantheon and Daeja. And Zac was buffed across the board.
- Ezreal: Mystic shot spell damage buffed at three-star from 200/275/375 to 200/275/415
- Karma: Inner Flame spell damage nerfed at three-star from 210/280/420 to 210/280/400
- Nasus: Fury of Dawn spell damage buffed at three-star from 70/100/185 to 70/100/205
- Senna: Mana buffed from 30/90 to 15/75
- Senna: Last Embrace spell bonus magic damage buffed at three-star from 300/450/600 to 300/450/650
- Wukong: Crushing Blow spell attack damage ratio buffed at three-star from 185/200/230 to 185/200/250 percent
- Lillia: Watch Out spell damage buffed at three-star from 215/275/350 to 215/275/370
- Lillia: Spell center bonus damage buffed at three-star from 190/240/320 to 190/240/340
- Lux: Cosmic Flare spell’s first strike damage buffed from 320/400/500 to 325/410/525
- Lux: Spell secondary strike damage buffed from 175/200/230 to 175/210/240
- Kai’Sa: Tidal Burst spell missile damage buffed at three-star from 40/60/85 to 40/60/90
- Zac: Unstable Current spell percent maximum health damage buffed from 5/6/7 to 10/12/18 percent
- Nomsy: Spell damage nerfed from 210/300/480 to 190/270/420
- Nomsy Evoker: Lulu spell attack speed buffed from 30/40/60 to 40/50/70 percent
- Nomsy Cannoneer: Tristana’s attack speed buffed from 0.7 to 0.75
- Nomsy Cannoneer: Bonus attack damage from being friends with Tristana buffed from 30/45/70 to 35/50/80
- Nunu: Consume spell damage buffed at three-star from 350/500/800 to 350/500/925
- Rakan: Disarming Diversion spell shield amount buffed at three-star from 230/350/550 to 230/350/650
- Rengar: Mana nerfed from 60/120 to 70/140
- Rengar: Unseen Predator spell attack damage ratio nerfed from 255/265/275 to 240/245/275 percent
- Seraphine: Serenade the Seas spell on attack damage nerfed at three-star from 20/35/70 to 20/35/65
- Sylas: Petricite Burst spell shield amount buffed at three-star from 365/415/475 to 365/415/525
- Volibear: Mana buffed from 0/60 to 0/40
- Daeja: Windblast spell damage nerfed from 250/350/1600 to 250/335/1350
- Graves: Quickdraw spell attack damage ratio nerfed at three-star from 65/65/170 to 65/65/145 percent
- Hecarim: Onslaught of Shadows spell damage buffed at three-star from 150/250/1000 to 150/250/1200
- Jayce: Mercurial Judgement spell base heal buffed at three-star from 150/210/375 to 150/210/550
- Jayce: Spell secondary magic damage buffed at three-star from 125/175/500 to 125/175/650
- Nilah: Slipstream spell damage nerfed at three-star from 130/200/1000 to 130/200/700
- Pantheon: Spell damage nerfed from 100/150/700 to 75/110/700
- Shi Oh Yu: Jade Form percent damage reduction nerfed at three-star from 20/25/50 to 20/25/40 percent
- Sohm: Spell damage nerfed from 300/420/1500 to 285/400/1400
- Swain Dragon: Spell damage buffed from 85/120/600 to 90/130/600
- Sy’fen: Maximum mana nerfed from 90/160 to 100/170
- Xayah: Spell recall damage per feather buffed at three-star from 13/20/60 to 13/20/75
- Ao Shin: Mana nerfed from 0/175 to 0/190
- Shyvana: Spell damage buffed at three-star from 80/150/500 to 80/150/1500
- Shyvana: Spell stun duration adjusted from 1.25 to 1.25/1.25/10 seconds
- Terra: Health nerfed from 1,200 to 1,050
- Terra: Spell damage ratio nerfed at three-star from 150/200/4000 to 150/200/2500 percent
- Zoe: Mana adjusted from 30/100 to 40/110
- Zoe: Kayle’s spell bonus armor and magic resistance buffed at three-star from 20/40/500 to 20/40/1000
- Zoe: Janna’s spell attack speed buff duration was adjusted from five to 5/5/30
Hyper Roll changes

Changes to the Preparation Draconc Augment were applied to the Hyper Roll TFT mode as well.
- Preparation: Maximum stacks reduced from four to three
- Preparation: Health per stack nerfed from 40/60/80 to 35/50/70
- Preparation: Attack damage and ability power per stack nerfed from 6/9/13 to 5/7/10
Patch 12.20 bug fixes

- Zyra will no longer choose the farthest or nearest row in each fight, randomly choosing between rows that are tied instead
- A bug preventing Jayce from gaining his ability’s resistances when his first cast misses was resolved
- Failing casts from Shyvana with two or more attack range has been resolved, with her Flame Breath able to reach around four Hexes
- A Cannoneer bug resolved in Patch 12.19 was reverted after causing issues with the Whispers trait.
- A typo was fixed in Jax’s tooltip
Published: Oct 18, 2022 6:00 PM UTC