Quivern is the cute dragon-like Pal everyone wants to add to their parties in Palworld. Other than being adorable, it’s one of the most reliable flying mounts you can add to your party early on to help you get around the world — so long as you create its Saddle.
All Quivern stats in Palworld

Quivern stats | |
Element Type | Dragon |
Potential Drops | High Quality Pal Oil |
Work Suitability | Transporting Level three Gathering Level two Mining Level two Handiwork Level one |
Partner Skill | Sky Dragon’s Affection |
Food Level | Four out of 10 |
How to find Quivern Boss Battle in Palworld

The best way to get Quivern, especially at the beginning of the game, is to head towards its Alpha Boss Fight level near the northern Spawn Points of the map. It’ll be level 23, so while it isn’t an easy boss fight to start, it’s still quite doable.
If you plan to catch it, take at least a tier three Pal Sphere with you and have significantly leveled up your Capture Power to improve your chances of a capture. I would also advise going into the fight with at least a Crossbow as a weapon. Palworld
Quivern is one of the few Palworld Pals that has a Dragon elemental type. If you’re hoping to make your fight with a Quivern an easier one, consider taking along some Pals that have an Ice elemental type. Ice trumps Dragon, and Dragon trumps Dark. So, you’ll also want to avoid throwing out any Dark Pals in a Quivern fight, or they’ll have a bad time.
By the time I faced off against the boss, I was using a Handgun and could take it down easily without any Pal support. But for safety, always go prepared with the best weapons and items. You wouldn’t want to die and lose everything.
How to find a wild Quivern in Palworld

If you are up to being a bit of a criminal, you can also find Quivern in the wild at a much higher level at the Pal Sanctuary to the west.
This sanctuary is a large, protected structure across the ocean that will require a Pal capable of flying or swimming to take you there. On this island, Quivern will spawn randomly, either day or night and is a bit of a rare spawn to come across.
It’ll be higher level, too, which makes it harder to find than the boss area, but if you want a higher leveled, smaller, non-alpha version of the cute dragon, you can head out there with some tier four or tier five Pal Spheres to try your luck at capturing one. Just be careful not to be seen by any human NPCs on the island, or you will become a wanted figure.
How to breed Quivern in Palworld
Of course, if you don’t feel like catching, fighting, or stealing a Quivern, you can always try to get one by breeding different Pals. There are hundreds of breeding combinations in Palworld, so we’ve listed just a few of the different ways that you can get yourself a Quivern egg below. Quivern is a pretty rare and highly-desired Pal, so it takes some Pals that are a bit harder to come by to get a Quivern egg.
Parent 1 | Parent 2 |
Nitewing | Relaxaurus |
Surfent | Orserk |
Cinnamoth | Lyleen Noct |
Elizabee | Faleris |
Frostallion | Incineram Noct |
Once you’ve got your Quivern, you can then turn around and use your new dragon Pal for even more breeding combinations. Here’s a list of some notable breeding combos that involve using Quivern as one of the parents:
Parent 1 | Parent 2 | Offspring |
Quivern | Penking | Mossanda |
Quivern | Sweepa | Ragnahawk |
Quivern | Elizabee | Warsect |
Quivern | Incineram | Kingpaca |
Quivern | Blazamut | Helzephyr |
Published: Jan 28, 2024 9:31 PM UTC