There’s a ton of gear, weapons, and loot to find in Enshrouded, so it’s easy to forget how important and powerful rings can be. They are incredibly useful, especially if you can get your hands on the best rings Enshrouded has to offer.
Rings are decently rare in Enshrouded and seem to be a little tougher to find than most other gear, which can make figuring out which ones the best rings are rather tricky. If you want to know which rings you should be looking out for in your adventures, here are all of the best rings in Enshrouded.
The best rings in Enshrouded, ranked
Here are the seven best rings you can get in Enshrouded and what each one does. If you really like the stats of one, keep in mind rings can be farmed and looted more than once, so you can double up if you really want to.
7) Sigil Ring of the Elder Guard

The Sigil Ring of the Elder Guard is a straightforward and simple choice, but it’s also extremely strong and flexible. The stamina and health boosts this ring provides can benefit your build no matter which class you choose to play.
6) Ring of Health

The Ring of Health is another basic but strong choice that helps any class. This Ring boosts health regeneration, which will help you recover from tough battles quickly, and enhances your overall health so you have more to work with and can survive longer.
5) Gemini Ring

The Life Leech ability granted by the Gemini Ring means each attack you make has a two percent chance of restoring the damage you deal as health points. This makes every strike you make a potential healing move as well, which is a super easy way to keep your health up as long as luck is on your side.
4) Ring of Endless Life

The Ring of Endless Life is one step up from the Gemini Ring. It has a three percent Life Leech chance and enhances your attacks to then have a chance of restoring health back to you as you dish out damage.
3) Ring of Rapacity

If you’re playing any type of magic-based class, whether it be a Wizard or a Battlemage, then this ring is a must-have. The Ring of Rapacity is an incredibly useful tool for boosting mana regeneration, which any Enshrouded player who plays with magic knows is a rather annoying stat to deal with since mana is restored very slowly.
Most of Enshrouded’s best classes implement magic skills in one way or another, so there’s a good chance you want to get the Ring of Rapacity.
2) Commander’s Ring

The Commander’s Ring grants you plus 30 to mana and plus 30 to health, which is massive for boosting your stats. Building your stats is tough, and every point counts, so this ring basically giving you 60 points for free is not something you want to overlook, especially if you decide to equip two of these at once.
1) Ring of the Ancients

The best ring you can get is the powerful Ring of the Ancients, which gives you a plus-one score in every statistic category. Your abilities, which is what most of the damage you deal is based on, scale off of these various skills, with some of them being much more important than others depending on which class you choose.
Regardless of what kind of build you want, the Ring of the Ancients has got you covered and is an excellent option that just can’t be beaten.
Since Enshrouded is still in an early access state, some of the best rings have been reported to be glitched and others have been changed as updates have released.
As of the Feb. 6 Enshrouded patch, the Ring of the Ancients, which is otherwise one of the strongest ones available, is currently not working. This is sure to be fixed in a future update, so hang onto this ring if you find it. The percentage on the Gemini Ring was also slightly nerfed in an early access update, though it’s still a very powerful pick.
Published: Feb 9, 2024 5:37 AM UTC