Big changes are taking place through Teamfight Tactics Patch 13.6, showcasing new champions and traits along with system changes and a new mechanic.
Patch 13.6 is the launch update for TFT Set 8.5. Testing of the set has been taking place on the PBE servers, and on March 22, Glitched Out! will hit the live servers. A soft reset will take place for the Mid-Set update, dropping players one tier on the ranked ladder. Competitors who were ranked Master or higher all drop to Diamond IV. All ranked rewards for TFT Set Eight are slated to show up a few days after Patch 13.6 goes live.
Here are the full TFT Patch 13.6 notes.
Recap of new changes in TFT Set 8.5

As with every TFT Mid-Set update, new champions and traits have been added to the autobattler. There’s also a new mechanic for Set 8.5 called Glitched Out carousels. Items and components will no longer remain attached to champions upon returning to the arena from a carousel as they will automatically pop off. And several Hero Augments have been reworked for TFT Set 8.5.
Riot has changed the color of the Champion Duplicator from blue to orange while the Item Remover is now a stronger color of red. A tooltip line was added to Zz’Rot Portal, reminding players that summoned units won’t have the same effectiveness when equipped with a Zz’Rot Portal. And a Spatula plus a Sword now creates an Infiniteam emblem.
With the addition of new traits, several champions who made the Mid-Set update cut had their traits adjusted. Item and Hero Augment distribution changes that went into effect through Patch 13.5 will carry over into Set 8.5 and a handful of Regular Augments were adjusted for the Mid-Set update.
All trait changes for TFT Set 8.5 through Patch 13.6

Several Set Eight traits that carried over into Set 8.5 received breakpoint adjustments like Renegade getting restructured to 3/5/7. The A.D.M.I.N. trait was adjusted for the addition of Warwick while the Hacker trait became a five-piece trait. The traits Civilian and Recon were removed for TFT Set 8.5.
- A.D.M.I.N.: Now gives four choices for each activation
- A.D.M.I.N.: Four piece multiplier reduced from 30 to 25 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Cast AP increased from 10 to 25
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Cast AD enabled and set to 25 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Cast chance to drop gold increased from 20 to 33 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Cast flat heal increased from 200 to 250
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Cast permanent HP increased from 10 to 18
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Kill, unit who killed gains
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Kill, unit who killed gains Mana has been disabled
- A.D.M.I.N. On Kill, unit who killed heals increased from 350 to 400
- A.D.M.I.N. On Kill, unit that killed gains permanent HP was reduced from 20 to 18
- A.D.M.I.N.: On dropping below 66 percent HP, A.D.M.I.N. gains AP was reduced from 75 to 60
- A.D.M.I.N.: On dropping below 66 percent HP, A.D.M.I.N. gains AD was reduced from 75 to 60
- A.D.M.I.N.: On dropping below 66 percent HP, A.D.M.I.N. gains attack speed was reduced from 75 to 60
- A.D.M.I.N.: On dropping below 66 percent HP, A.D.M.I.N. gains a shield that was increased from 10 to 15 seconds
- A.D.M.I.N.: On dropping below 66 percent HP, A.D.M.I.N. gains permanent HP that was reduced from 60 to 50
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death AD was reduced from 20 to 18
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death AP was reduced from 20 to 18
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death attack speed was reduced from 20 to 18
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death gain mana: has been disabled
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death flat heal was reduced from 350 to 250
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death gold chance was reduced from 25 to 20 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: On Ally Death permanent HP was reduced from 15 to 12
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start, A.D.M.I.N. gains mana has been disabled
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start chance to drop gold was increased from 40 to 50 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start permanent HP was reduced from 50 to 40
- A.D.M.I.N.: Every five seconds, A.D.M.I.N. gains AP was increased from 18 to 20
- A.D.M.I.N. Every five seconds, A.D.M.I.N. gains mana was increased from 30 to 40
- A.D.M.I.N. Every five seconds, A.D.M.I.N. chance to drop gold was increased from 20 to 25 percent
- A.D.M.I.N. Every five seconds, permanent HP was reduced from 15 to 12
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start, team gains mana has been disabled
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start, team gains permanent HP was increased from 15 to 20
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start, team gains chance to drop gold was increased from 20 to 25 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: At Combat Start, team gains max HP shield was increased from 20 to 25 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: Every five seconds, team gains Mana was increased from 12 to 20
- A.D.M.I.N.: Every five seconds, team chance to drop gold was increased from 10 to 15 percent
- A.D.M.I.N.: Every five seconds, team gains permanent HP was increased from five to seven
- A.D.M.I.N.: Every five seconds. team heals was increased from 150 to 200
- Brawler: Health adjusted from 20/45/75/110 to 20/45/70/100 percent
- Defender no longer has a built-in Taunt
- Defender: Armor was adjusted from 30/80/200 to 25/75/200
- Duelist: Attack Speed per stack was adjusted from 5/9/15/24 to 5/8/10/16 percent
- Duelist: The trait now gives 0/0/10/20 percent damage reduction.
- Gadgeteen: Damage and damage reduction was adjusted from 3/10 to 3/9 percent
- Hacker: Added a five-piece breakpoint
- Hacker: Omnivamp was adjusted from 15/40/70 to 20/30/40/50 percent
- Hacker: The trait now gives the rider of H4ck3r!m bonus Omnivamp (0/10/20/30 percent)
- LaserCorps: The trait now has breakpoints of 3/4/5/6
- LaserCorps: The breakpoints five and six now grant drones to your whole team
- LaserCorps: Drone damage is now 30/50/65/99
- Mascot: The breakpoint of eight has been removed
- Mascot: The bonus per cheering Mascot was increased from one to 1.5 percent
- Mecha PRIME: HP share was reduced from 100 to 90 percent
- Mecha PRIME: Fixed a bug where five Mech was lower HP share than three Mech
- Ox Force: The trait now gives (10/40/90) armor and magic resistance instead of attack speed
- Prankster: Added a four-piece that spawns a 250-health dummy and a two-second stun
- Renegade: The trait is now a 3/5/7 trait
- Renegade: The trait gives (25/40/65 percent) extra damage and an additional (20/25/35 percent) to the last Renegade unit standing.
- Star Guardian: The trait now has breakpoints of 2/4/6/8
- Star Guardian: Additional mana gain was adjusted from 40/70/120/200 to 35/70/120/175 percent
- Spellslinger: Ability Power was adjusted from 25/60/95/140 and 150 to 25/50/80/120 and 100 percent
- Sureshot: The trait now has breakpoints of 2/3/4/5
- Sureshot: The trait grants 6/11/16/24 percent bonus AD at the start of combat and each four seconds
- Underground: Added a Reforger to the Heist one cash out of one item component
- Underground: Added a Reforger to the Heist two cash out of one Ornn item
- Underground: Increased the value of Heist two by one gold on the 18 gold options
All Hero Augments reworked for TFT Set 8.5

Several Set Eight champions had their Hero Aumgents adjusted for TFT Set 8.5, from Fiora and Jax to Kai’Sa and Fiddlesticks.
- Annie Pyromania (carry): Gain an Annie. Annie’s spell is larger, and with every cast, she stuns all targets hit for 1.5 seconds.
- Fiora Grand Challenge (carry): Gain a Fiora. Every fourth attack on the same champion deals 20 percent of Fiora’s maximum health as magic damage and heals Fiora for nine percent of her maximum health.
- Fiora Vitality of the Ox (support): Gain a Fiora. Upon fielding Fiora, every 10 attacks—your team units heal for 25 percent of their maximum health.
- Yasuo Winds of the Wanderer (carry): Gain a Yasuo. Yasuo’s whirlwind is larger and deals 20 percent increased damage.
- Alistar Behemoth (carry): Gain an Alistar. Alistar’s spell hits all adjacent enemies and deals 25 percent of his maximum health as bonus damage to the primary target. Bonus health is 350.
- Alistar Stubborn (support): Gain an Alistar. At the start of combat, Alistar 50 percent shreds magic reduction to all enemy units for 1.5 seconds.
- Jax Grandmasters Training (support): Gain a Jax. Upon fielding Jax, your team gains 20 armor and 15 percent attack speed. This is doubled when the strongest Jax is eliminated.
- Kai’Sa Reconnaissance Team (support): Gain a Kai’Sa. At the start of combat, the two closest units to Kai’Sa gain a 40 percent critical strike, and their spells have a critical strike chance.
- Ekko Destructive Resonance (carry): Gain an Ekko. Ekko’s spell hits all enemies with two Hexes for 220 percent increased damage and no longer slows an enemy’s attack speed.
- Fiddlesticks Scarrier-Crow (carry): Gain a Fiddlesticks. Eight seconds into combat, if Fiddlesticks is still dormant, he casts. Fiddlesticks continues absorbing Corrupted Souls as the fight goes on and is no longer dormant.
- Syndra Not in Vain (carry): Gain a Syndra. Your strongest Syndra gains 30 starting mana and 30 percent attack speed whenever an allied champion dies.
All champion changes for TFT Set 8.5 in Patch 13.6

The targeting on Lux was changed, ensuring her attacks are more reliable, while Kai’Sa received some buffs to her spell. Vayne was also buffed with the removal of the Recon trait and several four-cost champions like Miss Fortune and Bel’Veth were adjusted.
Galio and Talon were removed for TFT Set 8.5.
- Ashe: Now a Lasercorps and Sureshot champion
- Ashe: Ashe’s spell focus attack damage ratio for additional AD gain was increased from 40 to 60 percent
- Ashe: Spell focus base attack damage gain was buffed from 12/18/25 to 15/22/33 percent
- Kayle: Attack damage increased from 50 to 55
- Lux: Lucent Singularity spell targeting changed from random to current target
- Lux: Mana nerfed from 0/60 to 0/70
Yuumi was removed for TFT Set 8.5.
- Draven: Attack damage buffed from 65 to 70
- Ezreal: Traits changed to Underground/Quickdraw/Parallel
- Ezreal: Sabotage spell damage nerfed from 230/345/535 to 200/300/460
- Ezreal: Sabotage now has a new spell when Parallel is active that does 110/165/255 damage to all enemies in a line
- Sivir: Traits changed to Infiniteam/Sureshot
- Yasuo: Maximum mana buffed from 0/80 to 0/70
Zoe, Vel’Koz, Senna, and Cho’Gath were removed for TFT Set 8.5.
- Kai’Sa: New traits Star Guardian/Quickdraw
- Kai’Sa: Mana changed from 0/20 to 20/105
- Kai’Sa: Starcharged spell attack speed increased from 45 to 75 percent
- Kai’Sa: Starcharged spell damage nerfed from 150/225/370 to 110/150/240
- Sona: Crescendo Sequence first phase (Q/Blue) damage buffed from 175/265/430 to 190/285/470
- Vayne: Traits are now Anima/Duelist
- Vayne: Silver bold attack damage ratio increased from 130/130/140 to 150/150/160 percent
Sejuani, Sett, Soraka, Taliyah, Zac, and Zed were removed from TFT Set 8.5.
- Bel’Veth: Mana changed from 0/30 to 0/40
- Miss Fortune: Traits are now Anima Squad/Ace/Quickdraw
- Miss Fortune: Bullet Time damage nerfed from 40/60/180 to 35/55/150
- Samira: Flair attack damage ratio reduced from 480/490/1250 to 460/460/1200 percent
- Samira: Flair base damage reduced from 80/100/666 to 66/99/366
- Viego: Traits are now Ox Force/Renegade/Heart
- Viego: Maximum mana buffed from 0/50 to 0/45
- Viego: Attack speed buffed from 0.75 to 0.8
- Viego: Heartbreaker spell primary target damage nerfed from 260/390/850 to 240/360/800
- Viego: Heartbreaker spell secondary targets AOE damage nerfed from 130/195/425 to 120/180/400
Aphelios was removed in TFT Set 8.5.
- Fiddlesticks: Health nerfed from 1,300 to 1,200
- Fiddlesticks: Armor and magic resistance reduced from 70 to 66
- Fiddlesticks: Dark Harvest damage nerfed from 100/150/900 to 80/130/800
- Janna: Attack speed increased from 0.75 to 0.8
- Janna: Mana adjusted from 70/140 to 40/120
- Janna: Spell damage buffed from 195/300/3000 to 450/675/6000
- Nunu: Spell damage reduced from 125/190/2000 to 120/180/2000
- Syndra: Allies thrown by Syndra now trigger “On Ally Death” effects.
Mode changes for TFT Set 8.5 in Patch 13.6

To shake up the Double Up meta for TFT Set 8.5, Riot put more emphasis on working together with your partner.
- Rune of Allegiances items now pop off of units before the unit is sent to your partner.
- Rune of Allegiances is no longer granted at stages 4-3 and 6-1.
- The Lesser Rune of Allegiance now regenerates itself five rounds after you use it.
- After Stage 4-1, your Lesser Rune of Allegiance upgrades to a Rune of Allegiance, and now regenerates itself seven rounds after you use it.
- Gift Armories now offer an additional gift of the highest tier that a gift Armory offers.
- Gift Armories have a chance at seeing the highest tier of gifts in the second gift Armory reduced from 20 to 14 percent.
Hyper Roll will have carousels occasionally added to support the new TFT Set 8.5 mechanic Glitched Out carousels. The carousels in the Hyper Roll mode take half the time of Standard and release the bottom half of the lobby followed by the top half.
Published: Mar 21, 2023 6:00 PM UTC