Defeating Tower bosses is an important objective in Palworld, and you need to adequately prepare for them, or you’ll likely face defeat—unless you’ve already outleveled them. If you’re wondering which order is the best for taking them on, this guide is here to help.
Best Palworld Tower order, explained

There are five Palworld Towers scattered across the far corners of Palpagos Island. For the best chances of success, make sure you have high-enough level Pals with Elements and abilities that counter the boss.
Upon defeating a Tower boss for the first time, you’re rewarded with five Ancient Technology Points, which are incredibly useful as they unlock several key items in Palworld. You shouldn’t underestimate Tower bosses, however, as they can be quite challenging, even if you’re a few levels ahead.
The Towers all represent major milestones in your progression, so if you head to the last Tower first, you’ll likely hit a roadblock and struggle to survive for more than a few seconds. To show you the way, here all five Palworld Towers in the recommended progression order.
1) Rayne Syndicate Tower: Zoe and Grizzbolt

- Coordinates: 113, -431
Zoe’s Grizzbolt is level 10. We recommend you approach this fight (and the others) when you’re around two levels higher. We also advise you bring strong Ground-type Pals with you, as Grizzbolt is an Electric-type, and Ground beats Electric in Palworld (just like Pokémon). During the fight, don’t forget to use the environment to your advantage, and hide behind the pillars to avoid the boss’s ranged attacks.
Whenever you’re in one of these fights, the human characters are actually weak spots. If you’ve got a ranged weapon and the right opening, do your best to aim for the enemy Pal trainer.
2) Free Pal Alliance Tower: Lily and Lyleen

- Coordinates: 181, 29
There is a wide gap between Zoe and Lily, as her Pal, Lyleen, is level 25. Make sure you’re around level 27 and bring your best Fire-type Pals. Again, like the battle against Zoe and Grizzbolt, there are some spots you can use for protection in the arena.
3) Eternal Pyre Tower: Axel and Orserk

- Coordinates: -587, -517
The third Tower sees you facing against Axel and his Pal, Orserk, which is level 40. It’s a very strong species with a Dragon and Electric double-type, so you’ll have better chances of victory using Pals with Ice and Ground Elements.
4) PIDF Tower: Marcus and Faleris

- Coordinates: 556, 336
Marcus is a Tower boss you should take on fourth in Palworld. Located in a hostile desert, Marcus fights with his Fire-type Pal, Faleris, which is level 45 and weak to Water. You’ll need to bring adequate protection to survive the heat of the desert, in addition to preparing for the challenging boss fight.
5) PAL Genetic Research Unit: Victor and Shadowbeak

- Coordinates: -146, 448
Victor is the last boss you’ll face off against in Palworld. It’s one of the hardest fights in the game, since Victor’s Shadowbeak is level 50. You can’t outlevel this one, since 50 is the maximum, so all you can do is prepare and practice. You might have some farming to do, because Shadowbeak is weak to Dragon Pals, which are quite rare compared to Pals of other Elements.
Published: Jan 28, 2024 7:56 PM UTC