After helping Radovan track down his missing cart in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, your work is not over for him yet. You’ll need to help him create a distinct and memorable sword; you need help from The Hermit, who has the steel you need.
The Hermit is a quest you get from Radovan after completing The Jaunt. Here, you’ll have to travel to the Apollonia region to speak with a hermit and convince them to give you their sword, which Radovan will melt down to create one for the wedding. But before you can talk with this hermit, you must figure out why he’s made a deal with the devil. Here’s what you need to know about how to complete The Hermit in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.
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All The Hermit tasks and steps in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

Radovan suggests you speak to the citizens of Troskowitz about The Hermit’s dealings with the devil and what they might have witnessed about this individual. You’ll want to visit this town to speak with people during the day. You can talk with any character you encounter throughout the city, and it can take a bit of time to talk with every person here in Kingdom Come 2.
Talking to villagers about the hermit
Unfortunately, not every character wishes to talk with you about it. For example, Agnes and the Bailiff will brush you off if you attempt to approach the conversation with them. Even Bara, the helpful beggar who assists you at the beginning of your journey, won’t talk to you about it. However, when you speak with the innkeeper, Betty, about it, she’ll share that four people were at the tavern, monks with daggers inside their cloaks, who were interested in hearing about the hermit and his deal with the devil. She also points you to talking with Gerda, the Apothecary wife, and a sheepherder named Stanislav.

You can find Gerda outside the Apothecary’s hut on the southwest side of Troskowitz. She’s willing to talk to you to tell you what she saw at the cross outside of town, where she claims she saw the hermit’s devil. Unfortunately, she needs a persuasion check, and if you pass it, she’ll talk to you about it, or you can pay her off. She tells her story of the apparition she saw at the cross, and you can investigate it outside of town. Before you head over, have a spade in your inventory. You can buy one from the trader for six coins.
Searching the cross to learn about the hermit

When you reach the cross, you can use the spade on the grave to uncover a bag. You can hear Henry conclude that someone recently dug here. After looking inside and picking up all the contents, you’ll find multiple items, including letters, a Crusader’s cloak, and an outfit. This is all you need from this location for this Kingdom Come 2 quest.
From here, your next stop is the sheepherder. They’re east of Troskowtiz, on the southern border of Apollonia. Because you completed The Jaunt, you can use a fast travel point next to the sheepherder to get there faster. When you arrive, speak with Stanislav, but you’ll have to convince him to tell you about the apparition. If you teach him the spell to ward off the devil, he’ll believe you and open about it. He talks about the shadowed rider on a black horse that rode into Apollonia but doesn’t know how it’s connected to the hermit.

How to find out more about the hermit
Now that you’ve talked with Stanislav about the hermit, head north into Apollonia and search the area surrounding the hermit’s hut to the east. You need to find out more about the rider on a black horse before confronting them. Make your way into the heart of the forest, east of the hermit’s hut, and you’ll find a charcoal-like horse in the middle of a pen.

After examining the horse and looking it over, Henry can deduce that someone did come to see the hermit, but it wasn’t the devil. If you read the tree reading pieces inside the grave, you can learn more about the hermit, Ambrose. You want to read the Chronicle of the Knights of the Cross, Seneschal Ambrose’s decree, and an Old letter about the Order’s commandery fire. You’ll know Ambrose was once a knight there, which should make talking to him much easier, and you can approach him with honor rather than a crazy person in the woods.
The next stop you can make is the hermit himself, Ambrose. You can find him in the rocks to the northwest of where you located the horse. When you get there, enter the home and speak with the hermit. You’ll want to do this during the day to get his best response. From there, talk about all the evidence you found, such as the contents at the grave, the horse in the pen, and the letters you found inside the cloak.

After you’ve done this, the hermit reveals he is not Ambrose but Konrad, Knight of the Cross with the Red Star. From there, you can talk to Konrad about his relationship with Ambrose, why he’s there, and how you can help him. He wants you to fulfill Ambrose’s final wish: to give a cross to a woman in Troskowitz and say the correct phrase to her. Konrad can tell you where he buried Ambrose and his sword if you do this. You can refuse, but you won’t learn the location of Ambrose’s grave.
How to give the woman the cross

The woman you must give the cross to can appear in Troskowitz village. However, if it gets closer to nighttime, she moves to the cemetery east of the town, and you find her there. Thankfully, the waypoint marker moves in Kingdom Come 2, which makes tracking her down easier. Her name is Widow Margaret, and it’s possible you can also find her traveling between these two locations. I encountered her on her way back to Troskowitz.
When you deliver the message to Margaret, she’s mortified to learn about the message and the cross. She asks if you will help Ambrose’s brother find peace. You can refuse to do this as you’ve delivered the message you promised Konrad, but you can assist Margaret before returning to him.

The two of you need to make your way to the graveyard. There, Margaret tells you everything about Ambrose’s brother, Jan, who fought with the one Margaret loved because he fancied her, and he died, but he was not properly buried. She wants your help to give him a proper burial using the cross Ambrose gave her. You can find the grave outside the graveyard with Jan’s bones and bring them inside the cemetery. You must dig another grave, setting the bones in the dirt, before speaking with Margaret again to complete the task. She offers you a reward you can refuse before returning to Konrad.

Should you kill or save the hermit?
When you return to Konrad to get the location of Ambrose’s grave, Knights of the Cross have already arrived. They explain they need your help because they were able to get Konrad, who is a fraud and a murderer, but he has a crossbow. They can’t ambush him because of the gorge and ask your help to lure him out.

There are two ways you can go about it. You can sneak up into the hermit’s hut and light a fire on his haystack, but you’ll want a high Stealth skill. Alternatively, you can talk to Konrad to learn what’s going on and uncover the location of Ambrose’s sword. For this quest, I could speak with Konrad, understand why the knights were attacking him, and where to find Ambrose’s sword. Before leaving, I had to fight off the knights, protecting Konrad. If you do this, he gives you 85 groschen for your trouble, and you can track down the sword’s location. You also get to loot all the knights you defeat.
Alternatively, if you choose to side with the knights, it’s better to talk with Konrad first and then attack him after you learn the location of Ambrose’s grave. It’s much harder to find the details about where you need to go when he perishes. The reward is the same as the Knights of the Cross, so it all comes down to who you want to support after you learn the sword’s location.

Konrad tells you Ambrose’s grave is next to a split birch tree, above where you can find his hut. You can find it to the north. When you arrive, the sword is sticking out of the ground. You can choose to dig up Ambrose’s grave, but this is ill-advised. After you have the weapon, it’s time to return to Radovan in Tachov.
Returning to Radovan, you learn he wants you to forge the masterful sword in his blacksmith station. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have completed the Hermit quest and be one step closer to joining the Wedding in Kingdom Come 2.
Others Asked
What motivates players to continue exploring in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 outside the main story?
The game encourages exploration and skill acquisition, with side activities like blacksmithing and potion crafting providing satisfaction and rewards.
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The main task is to release Orpheus from his prison in the Astral Prism with the help of Kith'rak Voss.
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The objective of Chapter One quests is to complete the main storyline quests to further progress in the campaign. There are 38 quests to complete in Chapter One.
Published: Feb 4, 2025 11:00 am