A new questline surrounding the Blue Dragonflight was introduced with WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1 in early May. While the majority of the main storyline of the Patch 10.1 campaign deals with the Black Dragonflight, a side campaign chapter that revolves around the Blues is also worth completing, largely because of the major lore implications that players will get to experience by playing through it.
The Blue Dragonflight questline focuses on the Blue Dragon Aspect Kalecgos and his efforts to reunite the splintered Blue Dragons, each of whom has not visited the Dragon Isles since the Dragons returned. Famed WoW Dragons such as Sindragosa, Malygos, and Senegos all make appearances in the story’s quests, among others.
There are no prerequisites to start the Blue Dragonflight questline, only that your character must be level 70 to see the quest in their adventure journal. You don’t need to complete any campaign chapters from Patch 10.0 or Patch 10.1 to start the Blue Dragonflight quests. You can pick up the first quest in the side-chapter via your Adventure Guide or by visiting Kalecgos at the top of the Seat of the Aspects in Valdrakken.
Here are all of the quests that are a part of the newly-introduced Blue Dragonflight questline in WoW Dragonflight. You’ll find they are separated by the different chapters and zones that they occur in.
All Blue Dragonflight quests in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1
Veiled Ossuary
- Keeper of the Ossuary
- On the Trail Again
- Rolling Out
- Lest We Forget
- Sindragosa and Malygos’s Rest
- Memories of Sindragosa and Malygos
- Archives Return
- Azuregos’s Support
- Unusual Disruptions
- Archival Arrival
- Where in the World is Lost Blue Dragon?
Related: How to get to the Veiled Ossuary in WoW Dragonflight
- Winterspring
- A Protector of Magic
- Artifacts Abound
- Test Subject
- Owl of a Sudden
- A Wyrm Rest
- Back with the Blues
Theramore Isle
- Theramore
- The Sullied Banner
- Aftershocks
- Creative Solutions
- Breaking the Cycle
- A Moment of Reflection
Booty Bay

- Booty Bay
- The Booty Bay Journal
- No Such Thing as Bad Luck
- Information is King
- Anyway, I Started Bribing
- Money, Money, Money!
- Crystals Shmystals
- Settled with the Baron
Crystalsong Forest
- Crystalsong Forest
- Regrets in Crystal
- A Shattered Legacy
- Those We Left Behind
- An Arcane Requiem
- The Sound of Silence
The Jade Forest

- Jade Forest
- Warm Winds and Water
- Carp Care
- Local Deliveries
- Up, Up, and Home
- Self Care
- A Drink with Kalecgos
- Blue is My Favorite Color
The Azure Span
- Reunited Again
- Veiled Trouble
- Veiled Ossuary Chaos
- Memories of Old
- What Still Remains
- Swiftly to the Archives
- The Last Conflict
- A Peaceful Farewell
The questline takes you across the entirety of Azeroth and culminates with the most prominent members of the Blue Dragonflight reuniting on the Dragon Isles. The questline is worth completing due to the major story developments, but also, if you’re a fresh level 70 character, the Flightstones and Shadowflame Crests that are rewarded for completing all of these quests could be extremely useful in upgrading your gear.
Published: Jun 1, 2023 10:29 PM UTC