Golden Pearls are a much-needed late-game crafting reagent in World of Warcraft Classic.
They’re extremely valuable and rare, largely because they can only be farmed from a chance-within-a-chance item. Much like pearls in the actual world, Golden Pearls in WoW Classic need to be acquired by opening clams across the seashores of Azeroth.
Golden Pearls are used primarily in late-game Tailoring recipes, including the Truefaith Vestments, Mooncloth Gloves, Mooncloth Robes, and Gloves of Spell Mastery. Tailors will often seek out these pearls, and if you’re lucky enough to get one after opening a clam, you can sell it on the Auction House for a hefty sum.
Here are some of the best places in the game where you can farm Golden Pearls in WoW Classic.
How to get Golden Pearls in WoW Classic: Best Golden Pearl farms in WoW
Golden Pearls are primarily contained in Big-Mouth Clams. These clams drop off most mid-to-late-game mobs that are located in coastal areas, near bodies of water, or under the water itself. Enemy types such as Murlocs, Naga, and Makrura roughly between levels 40 and 60 all have a chance to yield Big-Mouth Clams when defeated, which can be opened for a chance at a Golden Pearl. Many of these enemies are found in the zones with corresponding levels, including Desolace, Tanaris, Feralas, and Azshara, among others.

Some of the most reliable mobs that drop Big-Mouth Clams in WoW Classic are the Muckshell Makrura in Dustwallow Marsh. These enemies can be found in the waters south of Theramore Isle, just along the mountain range that separates the isle from the rest of the zone.
You can also farm Murlocs in northeastern Azshara, as well as the Naga north of Booty Bay—you should be familiar with them as they’re the ones required for the Stranglethorn Vale quest “Akiris by the Bundle.”
Beyond the mobs that drop Golden Pearls, they can also be fished up by expert fishermen from nodes throughout Kalimdor. There are nodes where Golden Pearls are available at random near Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas, Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris, and throughout the Bay of Storms in Azshara, according to WoW database Wowhead.
Published: Mar 11, 2024 8:38 PM UTC