With the most recent April 20 update to Teamfight Tactics, specific trait and hero changes have led to a slight meta shift. Some compositions from the previous patch still remain powerful, but some key hero and trait swaps will lead to a much better time after Patch 13.8.
Here are some of the key changes to some familiar comps that will catch you up to speed and help you rank up from Patch 13.7 to 13.8 in TFT.
Related: TFT Set 8.5 cheat sheet for Glitched Out!: All traits and breakpoint stats
TFT Patch 13.8 meta: All changes to the best comps
InfiniTeam Ultimate Ezreal no longer uses both Ezreals
The InfiniTeam Ultimate Ezreal comp from earlier in Set 8.5 is still very strong, thanks to the extra units the main trait gives and the strength of heroes like Ultimate Ezreal and Twisted Fate.
The composition remains mostly the same for Patch 13.8, but one of the traits that are gone is Parallel. Instead of using the regular Ezreal unit, the end-game focuses on building up the Sureshot trait, so use Samira with attack damage items like the Last Whisper and Runaan’s Hurricane. Her boosted attack alongside the Ace trait lets her fit into the comp easily.
Quickdraw no longer a slow-roll Lucian comp
Quickdraw remains a powerful trait in Set 8.5, but the nerfs to Lucian and Blitzcrank has hit the slow-roll comp hard. However, thanks to the strength of units like Kai’Sa and Rell, there are new heroes to try and three-star.

Adding in units like Shen and Garen makes the frontline stronger, giving your Quickdraw units more time to whittle down your opponents. Those are the only changes, but the style of the comp has changed drastically for Patch 13.8.
Gadgeteen Gnar needs a lot of three-stars to work
Originally, this Gadgeteen Gnar comp focused on Hacker to get Gnar into the backline. The damage he can do hasn’t changed, but Hacker has, making that variation of the comp almost unseen.
However, with this new version of the comp, you focus on getting as many Gadgeteen units as possible to three-star Lulu, Poppy, Annie, and of course Gnar. Then, getting a three-star Sona for the Spellslinger and Heart traits increases the team damage output further. No more backline Gnar, but the Gadgeteen trait is still strong.
Published: Apr 22, 2023 1:58 AM UTC