Starting with Generation VI, which brought the advent of Mega Evolution, combat gimmicks that alter Pokemon have appeared in every game since. Z Crystals and Dynamax mechanics soon followed, and now in Gen IX with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Terastallization.
Terastallization is Generation IX’s gimmick: once per battle, one Pokémon on the player’s team can transform into a different type, or into one of its original types.
Every Tera type has its own unique Tera jewel or crown, which a Pokémon dons atop its head when it Terastallizes into any of the 18 types.
These Tera jewels had gotten a lot of mockery from fans when they were first revealed. If you want to form your own opinion on these Tera jewels, or just be able to better identify them, then continue reading our guide for all the Tera type jewels in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, where we also tell you each Tera types’ offensive and defensive properties so you can better prepare for them when using them or encountering them in battle.
All Tera type jewels in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

A pretty straightforward design that shows off a red crown hoisting a five-pronged crystal candelabra with five burning candles fitted into each prong. Doesn’t get more fiery than that.
Tera Fire properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Steel, Grass, Bug, Ice
- Receives super effective damage from: Water, Ground, Rock
- Deals resisted damage to: Water, Rock, Dragon, Fire
- Resists damage from: Grass, Steel, Bug, Ice, Fire
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

This crown shows off different shades of blue with a water fountain at the top. Since the water in the fountain is frozen in place, you could almost mistake it for the Tera Ice crown, but that one looks more like a snowflake.
Tera Water properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Fire, Ground, Rock
- Receives super effective damage from: Electric, Grass
- Deals resisted damage to: Dragon, Grass, Water
- Resists damage from: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

Rather than being a plain patch of grass, which could have easily been the idea, we get a nice bunch of colorful flowers. Pretty.
Tera Grass properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Ground, Rock, Water
- Receives super effective damage from: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
- Deals resisted damage to: Bug, Dragon, Fire, Flying, Grass, Poison, Steel
- Resists damage from: Electric, Grass, Ground, Water
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

A bright yellow lightbulb presents the Tera Electric jewel. We can thank Nikola Tesla for this one.
Tera Electric properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Water, Flying
- Receives super effective damage from: Ground
- Deals resisted damage to: Dragon, Electric, Grass
- Resists damage from: Electric, Flying
- Deals no damage to: Ground
- Takes no damage from: None

Clearly very different from the Tera Water jewel, the Tera Ice jewel is depicted eith a single large snowflake, with slightly lighter shades of blue.
Tera Ice properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Grass, Ground, Dragon, Flying
- Receives super effective damage from: Fighting, Rock, Steel, Fire
- Deals resisted damage to: Ice, Steel, Fire, Water
- Resists damage from: Ice
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

Pretty easy to distinguish from the rest, the Tera Poison jewel consists of a deep purple crystallized skull and bones. Danger alert.
Tera Poison properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Grass, Fairy
- Receives super effective damage from: Ground, Psychic
- Deals resisted damage to: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost
- Resists damage from: Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy
- Deals no damage to: Steel
- Takes no damage from: None

Being all things pretty and pure, the Tera Fairy jewel is presented through a pink heart with a violet center along with two white wings on each side. Delightful.
Tera Fairy properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Dark, Fairy, Dragon
- Receives super effective damage from: Poison, Steel
- Deals resisted damage to: Fire, Poison, Steel
- Resists damage from: Bug, Dark, Fighting
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: Dragon

With sharp, spiky edges, the Tera Dark jewel depicts a sinister, scheming face that shows off a wide grin decorated with a yellow sparkle on its top-right corner.
Tera Dark properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Ghost, Psychic
- Receives super effective damage from: Bug, Fairy, Fighting
- Deals resisted damage to: Dark, Fairy, Fighting
- Resists damage from: Dark, Ghost
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: Psychic

This crown really needs no explanation. The Tera Dragon jewel is simply a figurehead of a blue and crimson-colored dragon that is in the midst of a roar.
Tera Dragon properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Dragon
- Receives super effective damage from: Dragon, Fairy, Ice
- Deals resisted damage to: Steel
- Resists damage from: Electric, Fire, Water, Grass
- Deals no damage to: Fairy
- Takes no damage from: None

A crown that indicates omniscience and intelligence, the Tera Psychic jewel is depicted through a large, wide-open purple eye.
Tera Psychic properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Poison, Fighting
- Receives super effective damage from: Bug, Dark, Ghost
- Deals resisted damage to: Psychic, Steel
- Resists damage from: Fighting, Psychic
- Deals no damage to: Dark
- Takes no damage from: None

Another relatively obvious crown, the Tera Fighting jewel shows off a large, red fist sitting above a light spiky spiral ornamentation.
Tera Fighting properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Ice, Dark, Normal, Steel, Rock
- Receives super effective damage from: Psychic, Flying, Fairy
- Deals resisted damage to: Bug, Fairy, Flying, Poison, Psychic
- Resists damage from: Dark, Bug, Rock
- Deals no damage to: Ghost
- Takes no damage from: None

The Tera Ghost jewel is not only a cool design but also a throwback and reference to Generation I of the Pokémon games, in which unidentified Ghost-type Pokémon were represented through this very artwork. Very cool choice by Game Freak.
Tera Ghost properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Ghost, Psychic
- Receives super effective damage from: Ghost, Dark
- Deals resisted damage to: Dark
- Resists damage from: Bug, Poison
- Deals no damage to: Normal
- Takes no damage from: Normal, Fighting
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This one’s fairly simple, with the Tera Bug jewel consisting of green, crystallized antennae and wings.
Tera Bug properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Dark, Grass, Psychic
- Receives super effective damage from: Fire, Flying, Rock
- Deals resisted damage to: Fairy, Fire, Fighting, Ghost, Flying, Poison, Steel
- Resists damage from: Ground, Fighting, Grass
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

You think you’d see large wings, but no; the Tera Flying jewel is simply a bunch of colorful balloons. Funny, but it makes sense.
Tera Flying properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Bug, Fighting, Grass
- Receives super effective damage from: Electric, Ice, Rock
- Deals resisted damage to: Electric, Rock, Steel
- Resists damage from: Bug, Fighting, Grass
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

The Tera Steel crown is represented through a large axe entirely silver in color, which can often look pretty silly sitting atop a Pokémon’s head.
Tera Steel properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Rock, Fairy, Ice
- Receives super effective damage from: Fighting, Fire, Ground
- Deals resisted damage to: Electric, Fire, Steel, Water
- Resists damage from: Bug, Dragon, Fairy, Flying, Grass, Ice, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: Poison

Apparently, the Tera Rock jewel is a rather oddly-shaped rock structure along with a few pillars. If there was any crown they should’ve made more obvious, it’s this one.
Tera Rock properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Bug, Fire, Ice, Flying
- Receives super effective damage from: Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water
- Deals resisted damage to: Fighting, Ground, Steel
- Resists damage from: Fire, Flying, Normal, Poison
- Deals no damage to: None
- Takes no damage from: None

The Tera Ground jewel is represented through half of the earth’s globe, which includes land, rocky structures, and parts of water as well.
Tera Ground properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
- Receives super effective damage from: Ice, Water, Grass
- Deals resisted damage to: Grass, Bug
- Resists damage from: Rock, Poison
- Deals no damage to: Flying
- Takes no damage from: Electric

The Tera Normal jewel has a large, clear white jewel resembling a diamond as the centerpiece of the crown with three similar, smaller jewels on the side.
Tera Normal properties:
- Deals super effective damage to: None
- Receives super effective damage from: Fighting
- Deals resisted damage to: Rock, Steel
- Resists damage from: None
- Deals no damage to: Ghost
- Takes no damage from: Ghost
Published: Feb 26, 2023 4:58 PM UTC