The players of Lunatic-Hai will make up KSV Esports’ Seoul-based Overwatch League team. Kim “EscA” In-jae, Kim “zunba” Joon Hyuk, Gong “Miro” Jin-hyuk, Ryu “Ryujehong” Je-hong, Yang “tobi” Jin-mo, and Moon “Gido” Gi-do are the first six players to be officially signed to the Seoul Overwatch League team, KSV Esports announced. The news confirms an earlier ESPN report that suggested Kabam co-founder and KSV Esports owner Kevin Chou was courting the two-time OGN Overwatch Apex champions. Related: Blizzard confirms Overwatch League will launch this year, says players will earn minimum $50K salaries Lunatic-Hai is currently competing in OGN Overwatch Apex’s fourth season of the South Korean tournament. They’re not exactly off to a great start, however. In their first match of the season, Lunatic-Hai fell to underdogs MVP Space. The issues that plagued Lunatic-Hai in their first match were likely growing pains, as the team recently brought back former flex DPS player Lee “Leetaejun” Tae-jun in mid-August. Leetaejun is not a part of the KSV Esports’ Overwatch League team—at least not at this time. Likewise, Lunatic-Hai DPS Lee “Whoru” Seung Joon is not listed as part of the Overwatch League roster. Overwatch League teams are allowed up to 12 players, and it’s unclear at this time if KSV Esports wants to field an entire 12-person squad. Lunatic-Hai will likely have to forfeit their potential spot in Overwatch Apex season five, though that has yet to be confirmed. The earlier ESPN report also suggested more South Korean esports teams could leave Overwatch Apex for Overwatch League in the future. The Lunatic-Hai players now part of KSV Esports will move to Los Angeles for the first season of Overwatch League, which is expected to kick off later this year. Overwatch League participants are being announced on an ongoing basis, the latest of which are Cloud9’s London slot and LA Rams’ owner Kroenke Sports’ Los Angeles team.

Photo via Blizzard Entertainment
To no one’s surprise, Seoul’s Overwatch League team is Lunatic-Hai
It's one of the first Overwatch League rosters to be announced.

Nicole Carpenter
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Nicole Carpenter
Nicole Carpenter is a reporter for Dot Esports. She lives in Massachusetts with her cat, Puppy, and dog, Major. She's a Zenyatta main who'd rather be playing D.Va.
Published: Aug 22, 2017 12:08 AM UTC