Capcom is teasing a new reveal using a dedicated countdown timer on the company’s website, and there is a very small chance that it won’t be a Street Fighter 6 reveal—or at least something fighting game-related.
While the Capcom Fighters social media accounts didn’t post the link or tease anything, the timer on the website, which was posted to Twitter at 12:37am CT, is set to end almost exactly at midnight (CT) on Feb. 20.
If that date doesn’t mean anything to you, you can just look at the schedule for the Capcom Pro Tour 2021 Season Final, which is set to run from Feb. 17 to 20 in place of the canceled Capcom Cup. Or, in otherwords, it lines up perfectly for Capcom to showcase something right as its biggest esports event of the year comes to a close.
Combine the Capcom Pro Tour coming to an end, the Street Fighter franchise celebrating its 35th anniversary this year, and the messaging from SFV’s development team in November that Luke would be the final major piece of content added to the game before the next big project, you get a perfect storm for Street Fighter 6.
It has long been rumored that SF6 went through a major shift internally during its initial development, which prompted Capcom to change directions and extend SFV’s lifespan with an additional, fifth season of DLC content. This was highlighted by Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono leaving the company after 27 years and the development team reworking its updates to include showcases where the development team actually talked about internal plans and content timelines.
If this truly is leading up to a SF6 reveal, players can likely expect to see a first look at the game in a trailer and perhaps an extended gameplay showcase shortly after the initial trailer. And, if Capcom really wants to tie things back into the history of the franchise, an August release would fit the timeline as the original Street Fighter released in arcades on Aug. 30, 1987.
There is still a chance this isn’t Street Fighter related and could be tied to another Capcom franchise like Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, or even another fighting game such as Marvel vs. Capcom or a new form of Capcom All-Stars getting another shot. We really won’t know until more information is shared or the timer strikes zero in just under seven days.
Published: Feb 14, 2022 8:38 AM UTC