Minecraft villages are essential for gameplay because of the residents that reside within them. You can level up these villagers to unlock impressive rewards and trades, so you might want to start with the best village seed you can find.
The latest major Minecraft update was 1.20, which brought many fresh features to the game, like sprawling cherry blossom grove biomes and archaeology. With the newest features in mind, here are the best Minecraft 1.20 village seeds you can use.
Best Minecraft village seeds

When you’re seeking a village seed, you might be looking for one of two kinds of village-oriented seeds, so here are 12 of the best seeds you can use for version 1.20 of Minecraft featuring both possible types of village seeds.
Village spawn Minecraft seeds
These seeds have a spawn point right in the middle of a village or just next to one. This grants you quick and easy access to materials sure to kick off your Minecraft world in the best way possible and a potential area to live permanently.
Seed: -8667047715126583669
Spawn: X:608, Z: -32

This seed spawns you on a decently sized island populated with the residents of a savanna village. If you’re looking for a safe place to live, this is the seed for you since it’s easier to keep mobs away from the village since it’s away from the mainland.

Outside of the village spawn point, this seed also has a few other benefits for you to enjoy. There is a massive mushroom fields biome to the west of the island and a coral reef just off the spawn island, offering some exciting exploration opportunities.
Seed: 39125021763781630
Spawn: X: 16, Z: -48

You spawn into a village situated along a coastal area for a beachy feel. If you want a Minecraft village seed with some seclusion but don’t want to be stranded from land, you may enjoy this seed since it is just a stone’s throw from the mainland coast.

The village you spawn by is fairly sizeable and offers a variety of villagers you can trade with. There are also many different mobs scattered around the island, including turtles, horses, pigs, cats, sheep, cows, and chickens.
Seed: 4325227337
Spawn: X: 0, Z: 0

It’s rare that you come across such a unique village so close to spawn, but this one is sitting super close at 68.3, -144.4. It’s floating over a super deep lake and has a ruined Nether portal right next to it.

If you’re looking for a unique village and one that’s close to spawn, you can’t get much better than this seed. Keep in mind that the map of this seed doesn’t accurately depict the lake or village, but when you use the seed in Java edition, you can find the village and lake right near spawn.
Seed: 1063292310985219505
Spawn: X: 0 Z: 0

One of the best additions from 1.20 is the stunning cherry blossom biomes, and this seed spawns you right on a massive snowy mountain with cherry blossoms to your left and a village to your right. It also has quick and easy access to other biomes like plains, jungles, forests, and savannas, so it’s got everything you could ever want and more.

Seed: -6412036905525137135
Spawn: X: -32, Z: -64

As long as you’re on the Bedrock version, you have a really strange, but epic, village spawn point in this seed. You spawn in the middle of a random snowy area that houses a village and is entirely surrounded by a huge swamp biome filled with red mushroom trees. It’s a really bizarre but special blend of two vastly different environments.
This village isn’t marked on the official map for the seed, but it’s definitely there when you load it up. The village isn’t present in Java, but you can still set up in the small cold spot and create your own village if you like the way this seed looks.

Seed: -4482584949213751807
Spawn: X: 288, Z: 0

This Minecraft seed has it all. Alongside the advantage of starting near a village, found at 288, 0, you can explore the surrounding mountains at the spawn point in this seed to discover five different ancient cities where you can fight the Warden.

At your spawn, there’s a beautiful cherry blossom biome on one side and the village you’re after on the other. You also start out on a massive snowy mountain with an unbeatable view, so there’s a lot to love about this seed.
Cool village Minecraft seeds
These seeds feature unique villages, unlike the average ones you regularly come across. Generally, you have to travel to find these, but since they are extraordinary, they are worth the journey.
Seed: -4541735665408914819
Spawn: X: 0, Z: 0

If you’re looking to jump into action immediately, this seed is the one for you as long as you’re playing the Bedrock version. You spawn fairly close to a village that also has a Pillager outpost situated within it.
From spawn, head to around 248, 216 to find the village and the Pillager outpost. You can choose to tell a unique story here as Pillager outposts never usually spawn right in the middle of a village, and this also offers an opportunity to easily start a raid for massive rewards.

The spawn of this seed is also quite close to a cherry blossom biome. And if you’re seeking village resources but don’t want to deal with the chaos that comes with a pillager outpost sitting in the middle of a village, you can also visit the other village close to spawn located at -344, 88.
Seed: 8620312566723034376
Spawn: X: 64, Z: -480

If you head to -500, -2133, you’ll find a village floating entirely on water. Villages usually spawn on some kind of island or nowhere near water, so this village spawning in such a strange way is quite a unique find for a Minecraft world.

Since this village is isolated over water, it’s also more protected from mobs as long as it stays lit up, allowing you to venture out and explore as you wish without worrying about whether the villagers you’ve leveled up will be attached while you’re gone.
Seed: -1433824728126122711
Spawn: X: 0, Z: 0

You spawn right up against a house in a village in this seed, and this same village also happens to be a rather special one. For some strange reason, the surrounding environment passes right over this village, leaving it untouched by snow, while it is entirely surrounded by a wintery landscape.

Seed: 8408163781592364355
Spawn: X: 0, Z: 0

This seed is only available on the Bedrock edition, but if you play on this platform, you’re in for a treat. Head to about -344, 88 to find a village located directly underneath a huge cherry blossom biome. And on top of the cherry blossom area, there’s a snowy mountain, giving you a really nice spot to set up your base.

Seed: 932193734
Spawn: X: 0, Z: 0

The unique village in this seed is at 619, 80 and is scattered around a few mountains. Villages usually generate in linear paths, but when they also spawn near areas that aren’t flat, they tend to get broken up a bit, which is what happened in this seed.

The village well is floating on a piece of land in the center, and the village houses are scattered in a circle on the ground around it. Although this village isn’t a particularly big one, its unique format is perfect if you want a village that has something special.
Seed: 5862795876156409474
Spawn: X: 1.5, Z: 10.5

The view from the village closest to spawn in this seed is simply breathtaking. Head to -386.6, 368.1, and you’ll find a village surrounded by sprawling hills.

This village is fairly large, and its close proximity to many different biomes makes it an especially ideal location if you’re looking for a nice area to live. There’s a cherry blossom grove biome right by it, an ancient city not too far away, and a lava pool right by the village that can be used to craft a Nether portal.
For Minecraft 1.20, the best Minecraft seeds overall look different from the best village seeds. The best Minecraft village seed also completely depends on your gameplay, but you will never struggle for options.
We gathered this information by playing Minecraft Java Edition Version 1.20 and Minecraft for Windows on PC.
Published: Apr 24, 2024 9:20 PM UTC