Get ready to brute force your way through ATLYSS dungeons and unlock your full potential with the ultimate Fighter build.
Here’s our rundown of the best Fighter build in ATLYSS.
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Best ATLYSS Fighter build
Your ATLYSS build is determined by a multitude of factors: Race, class, Mastery Scrolls, and weapon picks. While race isn’t imperative in deciding what build to focus on, their unique skills strengthen particular playstyles. Armor, capes, and weapons are all part and parcel to your build. These are interchangeable as you rise through the ranks, unlock new zones, and explore dungeons.
How to play the Fighter in ATLYSS

Unlike the Bandit, Fighters won’t be darting around the map. A high Strength stat is essential to making this build work. But you shouldn’t neglect your Vitality or Dexterity. You can alter these stats with the Tome of Naivety to re-allocate your Attribute Points. Your Strength determines how much damage you’ll do per hit, while a high Vitality makes you harder to kill.
Evasion is hard to achieve as a Fighter, but dashing and timing your attacks should be a crucial part of your strategy while fighting. Adopting a hit and run combo with one- or two-handed heavy weapons will protect you from incoming damage and allow you to strategize your next move without losing too much stamina in the process.
Best races for Fighter
Your race doesn’t have much impact when it comes to creating your build, but each unique skill is better suited to a particular class. We recommend either the Byrdle or Chang for your Fighter build. The Byrdle’s Inner Focus guarantees a critical strike on the next attack, which pairs nicely with heavy weapons. Meanwhile, Chang’s Sturdy skill gives an immunity to knockback. This skill can also auto-parry incoming attacks, letting you focus purely on your next move.
Best skills to assign

There are only six slots you can refer to when assigning your skills. We highly recommend holding onto the Recovery general skill and allocating it to slot one for easy accessibility and memorability. Due to the slower paced gameplay of the Fighter, you should choose skills that protect you if your health gets critically low, or help you out while repositioning. You aren’t forced to block or perfect parry as a Fighter either. You can dash with “E” and use this time to execute Recovery. For late-game skills, we recommend switching Recovery out for Divine, since this is the stronger healing option for Fighters.
The remaining skills we recommend are:
- Blood Gush: Applies bleed damage.
- Execute: Kills enemy instantly if low on health.
- Stomp: Large AoE attack that slow enemies.
- Bulwark (passive): Increases defensive stats.
- Inner Focus: 100-percent Critical Strike chance on next attack.
- Sturdy: Grants knockback immunity and auto-parries attacks.
Dashing is top priority when fighting any ATLYSS enemy. It’s punishing to stand still in the middle of fight, especially as new waves arrive in restricted sections of the dungeons. If you’re not one who likes running around, the Sturdy skill will help you take less damage by blocking for you.
Best Mastery Scrolls
The Heavy Melee Mastery is essential to this build. If you prefer ducking and diving around the field or playing far away with precision weapons like bows, though, then you can alter your build to suit this playstyle more. Heavy weapons or one-handed weapons are better suited to the Fighter skills. The remaining Mastery Scroll is based on your weapon preference. Your decision to master a Polearm, Scepter, or Bell will determine which Scroll you purchase from the Sanctum NPCs.
Best weapons and enchantments
A Fighter can play close-range to mid-range utilizing weapons and executing skill moves at the right moment. Most ATLYSS weapons are picked up inside dungeons. We highly recommend keeping an look out for the Poltergeist Scythe (Sanctum Catacombs), Mithril Halberd (Crescent Grove), and Mithril Scepter (Crescent Grove). The rarest weapon in ATLYSS that we recommend for any Fighter is the Slime Diva Baton. This has the chance of dropping by the Slime Diva in Effold Terrace. You can summon this boss by killing multiple waves of Slimek in the area.
Killer is the best enchantment for any Fighter as this boosts your damage. Guardian boosts defense and helps boost your Mind and Vitality stats. Finally, Lively grants bonus health and defense.
With all of these in mind, you can work towards maxing out your Fighter until you reach the level cap. Remember to switch your weapons and stats according to what feels right for you. If you prefer dodging over blocking, shooting projectiles over heavy attacks, then you need more Dexterity-based gear to accommodate this playstyle.
Published: Dec 5, 2024 12:47 pm