The Cracked Titan Gem is a quest-starting item used to craft the Evoker Legendary weapon Nasz’uro, the Unbound Legacy. Once you have this item, you can start working toward obtaining the first Legendary weapon introduced to World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
This Legendary weapon is limited to Dracthyr Evokers only and has a 457 item level with lavish stats and a unique effect that buffs your ally’s primary stats by 500 and Speed by 600. Needless to say, it will be a must-have weapon for all Evokers in Patch 10.1 and Patch 10.1.5, especially if you plan on playing the class’ newest spec, Augmentation Evoker, since it synergizes so well with its kit.
Here’s how you can obtain the Cracked Titan Gem and get started with your new shiny Legendary weapon in WoW Dragonflight.
How can I get Cracked Titan Gem in Dragonflight?
In theory, getting the Cracked Titan Gem is rather simple: Clear Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on any difficulty, defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth, and loot it. But, in reality, it’s far more complicated than that.
Although the Cracked Titan Gem can drop on any raid difficulty, including Raid Finder, it’s a rather rare drop for which you’ll have to compete with all other Dracthyr Evokers in your raid. This item is subject to the traditional group loot rules and you’ll still have to win the roll to start working toward your incredible Legendary weapon.
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Bear in mind when queuing up for Aberrus that the higher the raid difficulty, the greater the chance for this item to drop. The Cracked Titan Gem will only drop on the highest difficulty that you complete the raid on each week. For example, if you complete the raid on Heroic difficulty early in the week, you won’t be able to obtain the Cracked Titan Gem on Normal or LFR difficulty later in the week—but you’ll still have the chance to get it on Mythic.
After you get the quest item, you’ll get the Neltharion’s Legacy quest to meet with Nozdormu in Valdrakken. From there, you need to follow the questline and then craft three specific item pieces with the help of an Engineer, Blacksmith, and Jewelcrafter. Once you have your three pieces, combine them into one, and you’re then free to enjoy the delights of your Legendary weapon Nasz’uro.
Published: Jun 23, 2023 7:44 PM UTC