The daily NYT Mini Crossword often highlights unique phrases you might not be familiar with. One such phrase is “Rarin’ to go,” which is essential to solve if you want to finish the entire puzzle.
If you’re unsure what this phrase means, here are some hints and the answer for the “Rarin’ to go” clue on the Nov. 13 NYT Mini Crossword puzzle.
‘Rarin’ to go’ Nov. 13 NYT Mini Crossword hints

- Hint 1: It ends with the letter “R.”
- Hint 2: An anagram for this word is “AGREE.”
- Hint 3: It starts with the letter “E.”
- Hint 4: A synonym for this word is “KEEN.”
Stop right here until you’re ready to solve this clue because I’m going to reveal the answer now.
‘Rarin’ to go’ NYT Mini answer
The solution for the “Rarin’ to go” clue on the Nov. 13 NYT Mini Crossword puzzle is “EAGER.” The phrase “Rarin’ to go” refers to the feeling of being keen or enthusiastic about starting something.
‘Rarin’ to go’ clue difficulty rating
“Rarin’ to go” isn’t a super common phrase, which means there’s a decent chance you’ve never heard of it and had no idea what it meant before today’s NYT Mini Crossword puzzle. The answer is fairly easy to get if you’re familiar with this clue but quite tough if you aren’t.
I think this one is a bit more difficult than most clues you come across while working through this daily puzzle, so I’m giving it a four out of five difficulty rating.
All Nov. 13 NYT Mini Crossword clues and answers
- 1A Folded layer of a McGriddle — EGG
- 4A Host of the 2024 Summer Olympics — PARIS
- 6A Plant that’s a source for tequila or mescal — AGAVE
- 7A This clue number — SEVEN
- 8A Romantic getaway? — TRYST
- 1D Rarin’ to go — EAGER
- 2D Turkey Day topping — GRAVY
- 3D “What –?” (“Can you explain this mess?”) — GIVES
- 4D Destination for a time machine — PAST
- 5D “The document should be in your inbox now” — SENT
Games like the NYT Mini Crossword
There are lots of other word games you can work through after finishing today’s NYT Mini Crossword. If you’re looking for more tricky clues to solve, the LA Times and the Washington Post are great options for you. Strands and Spelling Bee are also fun choices if you’re up for a challenge since they’re both word games with unique premises.
Published: Nov 13, 2024 09:10 am