Riot Games will ship another large Teamfight Tactics update through Patch 13.15 on Aug. 2, scaling down economy bonuses while changing up Region Portals and applying multiple adjustments to Ryze across all regions.
Players expecting a small update from TFT Set Nine Patch 13.15 are in for a surprise. Major system changes were applied, along with a host of balance changes across traits, champions, and Augments. And Patch 13.15 is the final update for Soul Brawl and the Choncc Dome.
Here are the official TFT Patch 13.15 notes.
Patch 13.15 system changes
A big change was applied to PvE loot rounds through Patch 13.15, shifting Components dropped through loot at Raptors to earlier PvE rounds like Krugs and Wolves. The purpose of this Set Nine system change is to help players commit toward a comp direction early on. Players on average will see one more Component during Krugs and Wolves.
In addition to PvE loot round adjustments, multiple changes were applied to TFT Set Nine Region Portals as well. And the strongest unit will now count Components and full items equally when determining which unit has the most items.
Region Portal 13.15 changes
The Lavender Sea Portal is now called The Hall of Nine. Shifting Sands received a rework and Petricite Forest is now called Ehrenmount.
- Lavender Sea: Now The Hall of Nine
- Lavender Sea: “At the start of each Stage, everyone gets the same loot from a highly varied pool.”
- Petricite Forest: Name changed to Ehrenmount
- Shifting Sands: Rework—Everyone gets the Pandora’s Bench effect (Three bench slots will transform into another champion of the same cost each turn).
- Shifting Sands: The Pandora’s Bench Augment has been disabled so it can’t stack with Shifting Sands.
Patch 13.15 item balance changes
A powerful change was applied to Morrelonomicon, in that it now applies any damage from abilities as opposed to only magic or true damage from abilities. The adjustment will improve the item on Set Nine champions like Ashe and Senna. The shield toughness was also increased slightly for the Locket of the Iron Solari from 250/300/350/400 to 275/325/375/425.
Shimmerscale item balance changes
- Determined Investor: Gold granted reduced from 10 to five
- Diamond Hands: Health reduced from 400 to 300
- Mogul’s Mail: Base health per stack with a maximum of 40 stacks reduced from eight to six
- Goldmancer’s Staff: Ability power increased from 20 to 25 percent
- Draven’s Axe: Attack damage increased from 10 to 15 percent
- Needlessly Big Gem: Health increased from 500 to 600
Ornn Forge item balance changes
- Sniper’s Focus: Damage amplification increased from eight to 10 percent per Hex
- Deathfire Grasp: Duration increased from eight to 10 seconds
- Deathfire Grasp: Bonus damage to a marked target was reduced from 50 to 35 percent
- Eternal Winter: Health reduced from 300 to 200
- Hullbreaker: Armor and magic resistance increased from 30 to 40
Patch 13.15 Augment balance changes
Economy Augments like Risky Moves and A Cut Above were nerfed slightly. Items granted through Crown Augments were adjusted. The Boss was buffed to improve the Set Nine Augment in conjunction with Sett nerfs to keep it all balanced.
Legend Augment changes
- Lee Sin On a Roll: Replaced with Bronze Ticket, which gives players a free shop refresh every four shops
- Pumping Up Three: Attack speed increased from 10 to 12 percent
- It Pays to Learn Two: XP and gold reduced from 18 to 16
- It Pays to Learn Three: XP and gold reduced from 24 to 20
- Seeing Double One: Gold increased from one to two
- Seeing Double Two: Gold increased from eight to 10
- Seeing Double Three: Gold increased from three to four
- Small Forge: Gold reduced from six to four
- Medium Forge: gold reduced from 10 to seven
Evergreen Augment changes
- A Cut Above: The gold chance to drop was reduced from 40 to 33 percent
- Built Different Two: Health increased from 180/240/300/360 to 200/275/350/425
- Blinding Speed: Will now also grant a Magnetic Remover
- Dedication: Units of a trait required were reduced from five to four
- Impenetrable Bulwark: Will now also grant a Magnetic Remover
- Mana Burn: Temporary disabled
- Medium-End Shopping: Disabled
- Multicaster Heart: Removed with Prismatic Multicaster Soul on the chopping block for a future update
- On a Roll: Will now grant two gold in addition to its ability
- Overwhelming Force: Will now also grant a Magnetic Remover
- Parting Gifts: Completed items favored over passing of Components
- Perfected Repetition: Augment now stacks on Multicaster units repeated casts
- Perfected Repetition: Ability power per stack reduced from 10 to five
- Perfected Repetition: Maximum ability power increased from 60 to 70
- Ravenous Hunter: Stacking bonus cap was reduced from 50 to 40
- Risky Moves: Gold reduced from 35 to 30
- Spectral Supplies: Temporarily disabled
- Stable Evolution: Bonus health reduced from 70 to 60
- Stable Evolution: Bonus attack damage and ability power reduced from seven to six percent
- The Boss: Sit-Up health threshold increased from 40 to 60 percent
- The Boss: Health restored per sit-up reduced from 15 to 10 percent
- The Boss: Attack speed and ability power per sit-up, with a maximum of four, was increased from 35 to 40 percent
- Three’s Company: The Augment will only count unique champions
- Two Healthy: The Augment will only count unique champions
- Two Healthy: Health reduced from 111 to 100
- Unleashed Aracana: Will now also grant a Magnetic Remover
Augment Crown changes
- Challenger Crown: Now grants a Hand of Justice
- Demacia Crown: Now grants a Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Juggernaut Crown: Now grants a Bloodthirster
- Noxus Crown: Now grants Sparring Gloves
- Piltover Crown: Now grants a Giant Slayer
- Shadow Isles Crown: Now grants a Tear of the Goddess
- Shurima Crown: Now grants a Protector’s Vow
- Slayer Crown: Now grants a Titan’s Resolve
Patch 13.15 trait balance changes
A major change was applied to the Piltover trait and T-Hex, allowing players to gain both T-Hex power and loot through winning combat rounds. To compensate for the change, the TFT balance team lowered the power of T-Hex. At lower loss streaks, according to Riot, the majority of the trait’s power is in the loot while at higher loss streaks, the power is increased for T-hex. And the loot tables for the Piltover trait were adjusted.
The change to the Piltover trait is a simplification of the trait overall, removing the hard decision of selling or keeping T-Hex during the late-game stages.
T-Hex Piltover balance changes
- Piltover: Rework—Players now gain T-Hex power and loot upon winning rounds.
- Piltover: Players can no longer sell T-Hex for loot and T-Hex no longer starts with one Charge. A win with no Charges will reward one gold.
- Piltover: The average loot value at the breakpoint of six was increased
- T-Hex: Charges item will now display the estimated loot value from a victory
- T-Hex: The Progress item will no longer estimate loot value since T-Hex can no longer get sold.
- T-Hex: Base armor and magic resistance increased from 15 to 25
- T-Hex: Armor and magic resistance Power decreased from two to one
- T-Hex: Health per Power reduced from 65 to 45
- T-Hex: 20 Power breakpoint increases T-Hex to two-star and unlocks Hextech Breath
- T-Hex: 40 Power breakpoint advances T-Hex to three-star
- T-Hex: 80 Power breakpoint advances T-Hex to four-star
- T-Hex: Star levels are purely visual indicators so you can estimate the T-Hex’s strength. stats are based on the T-Hex’s current Power.
All other trait balance changes
- Bastion: Armor and magic resistance increased during early breakpoints from 20/50/100/240 to 25/55/100/240
- Noxus: The stat increase per stack was reduced from 10 to five percent
- Noxus: Maximum stat increase was reduced from 70 to 35 percent
- Noxus: Ability power and attack damage buffed from 16/30/50 to 17/34/60 percent
- Noxus: Health buffed from 160/300/500 to 170/340/600
- Rogue: Bleed health percentage increased from 40 to 50 percent
- Rogue: Jump logic was adjusted to consistently move to the correct target
- Slayer: Amplification threshold increased from 60 to 66 percent
- Technogenius: Goldinator execute threshold increased from 10 to 12 percent
- Void Rift Herald: Starting mana buffed from 60/120 to 80/120 and base health increased from 950 to 1,050
- Void Rift Herald: Stage Three health multiplier changed from 0.85 to 0.8
- Void Rift Herald: Stage Five health multiplier changed from 1.15 to 1.2
- Void Rift Herald: Stage Six and above health multiplier changed from 1.25 to 1.3
- Void Baron: Base health increased from 1,100 to 1,250
- Void Baron: Stage Four health multiplier increased from 0.85 to 0.9
- Void Baron: Stage Six and above health multiplier increased from one to 1.15
- Zaun: Your first Zaun mod will always be an offensive mod (Robotic Arm, Virulent Bioware) or a hybrid mod (Adaptive Implant, Shimmer Injector). Your second mod will always be a hybrid mod or a defensive mod (Unstable Chemtank, Hextech Exoskeleton). You can’t get double hybrid mods. Your third mod will always be the remaining category.
- Zaun: Mods can get removed now by benching the modded Set Nine unit
Patch 13.15 champion balance changes
Over 20 balance levers were made to Ryze across all regions. Other TFT Set Nine champion changes included minor tweaks and adjustments to targeting.
- Cassiopeia: Spell cast time reduced
- Cassiopia: If the target perishes as Cassiopeia’s spell is about to fire, it will get redirected to the nearest enemy
- Kayle: Attack damage increased from 25 to 30
- Malzahar: Bug fix—Malzahar will now consistently pick the best angle to cast. Malzahar can now only hit up to two units with Call of the Void, down from three units.
- Malzahar: Spell damage reduced slightly from 200/300/450 to 185/280/420
- Samira: Spell cast time reduced
- Samira: Spell is now targeted and can’t get blocked by other units
- Poppy: Spell shield buffed from 290/310/330/350 to 310/330/350/350
- Galio: Shield damage reduction adjusted from 20/20/25 to 20/20/30 percent
- Kassadin: Spell damage nerfed from 150/225/325 to 135/200/300
- Sett: Spell damage nerfed from 200/300/465 to 180/270/420
- Soraka: Spell empowered heal reduced from 40 to 33 percent
- Soraka: Spell damage buffed from 115/170/265 to 125/185/290
- Swain: Maximum mana buffed from 40/80 to 30/70
- Swain: Spell damage per tick increased from 25/40/60 to 35/50/75
- Swain: Spell bonus health adjusted from 450/475/500 to 450/500/550
- Taliyah: Starting mana nerfed from 20/60 to 0/60
- Teemo: Spell damage buffed from 200/300/465/500 to 230/350/535/535
- Teemo: Multicasted Noxious trap mushrooms now prefer to bounce to targets behind the original target
- Akshan: Attack damage reduced from 65 to 60
- Garen: Spell damage per tick adjusted from 72/75/80 to 75/75/85 percent
- Jayce: Spell now tracks its target
- Jayce: If Jayce’s target perishes whale Jayce is beginning to cast, the spell with retarget the nearest enemy
- Rek’Sai: Rek’Sai will now always heal if she dives or her target perishes
- Rek’Sai: Now takes damage amplification and critical strikes when applicable upon deciding whether she will die through her target
- Aphelios: Charkram attack damage ratio adjusted from 8/8/40 to 8/8/30 percent
- Azir: Spell damage buffed from 95/140/500 to 100/150/550
- Gwen: The Set Nine champion now prefers to hit multiple targets with her spell when possible
- Gwen: Spell mist duration adjusted from 3/3/6 to 3/3/5
- Gwen: Spell damage adjusted from 100/150/500 to 100/150/400
- Kai’Sa: Mana adjusted from 40/140 to 30/125
- Kai’Sa: Spell damage adjusted from 75/111/300 to 75/111/240
- Lux: Spell shred adjusted from 15/15/50 to 15/15/40
- Lux: Spell damage adjusted from 735/1100/3333 to 735/1100/2750
- Urgot: The lockout time between passive procs has been reduced
- Shen: Spell shield adjusted from 275/350/1800 to 275/350/2000
- Shen: Spell damage adjusted from 240/360/2000 to 240/360/2500
- Urgot: Maximum mana nerfed from 30/90 to 40/100
- Urgot: Spell attack damage ratio reduced from 275 to 250 percent
- Urgot: Spell damage adjusted from 50/75/500 to 40/60/500
- Ahri: Spell steal damage reduced slightly from 115/170/1000 to 100/150/1000
- Sion: Reanimation health decay adjusted from 12/8/0 to 15/10/0 percent
Ryze five-cost changes
- Ryze Bandle City: Starting mana nerfed from 40/75 to 30/75 and cast time reduced from 2.5 to two seconds
- Ryze Bandle City: Bench selection changed from random unit to the most expensive Set Nine champion
- Ryze Bandle City: Mana for summoned unit adjusted from 25/40/200 to 25/70/200
- Ryze Demacia: Shield adjusted from 720/1080/9999 to 600/900/9999
- Ryze Demacia: Damage adjusted from 250/375/999 to 300/450/999
- Ryze Freljord: Portal duration which includes cast time and stun duration decreased from three to two seconds
- Ryze Freljord: Damage adjusted from 300/450/2000 to 300/450/3500
- Ryze Freljord: A three-star Ryze now summons a much larger storm
- Ryze Ionia: Cast time reduced from 3.5 to two seconds
- Ryze Ionia: Attack speed adjusted from 50/60/300 to 30/40/300 percent
- Ryze Ionia: Now deals 175/275/3500 magic damage when stunning enemies
- Ryze Piltover: Cast time reduced from 2.5 to two seconds
- Ryze Piltover: Damage buffed from 250/375/1999 to 275/425/3000
- Ryze Piltover: Area shared damage adjusted from 12/15/500 to 15/20/500 percent
- Ryze Shadow Isles: Cast time reduced from 2.5 to two seconds
- Ryze Shadow Isles: Health on return from death adjusted from 40/60/100 to 40/80/300 percent
- Ryze Shadow Isles: Spell cast target changed from strongest ally to lowest health percent ally
- Ryze Shadow Isles: Marked units will revive even if Ryze has previously perished
- Ryze Shurima: Cast time reduced from 2.5 to two seconds
- Ryze Shurima: Damage buffed from 150/225/2000 to 175/275/2500
- Ryze Targon: Cast time reduced from six to four seconds
- Ryze Targon: Targets percent maximum health damage adjusted from 15/20/100 to 18/25/100 percent
- Ryze Zaun: Base Portal count adjusted from 3/6/25 to 5/8/25
- Ryze Zaun: Damage per Portal adjusted from 155/230/2006 to 110/200/2006
- Ryze Zaun: Gold per Portal past 50 gold increased from 15 to 20 gold
Patch 13.15 bug fixes
- The Gold tier Mana Burn Augment has been disabled due to a bug
- The Void trait now correctly works on ghost armies
- A bug that offered multiple Hero Augments has been resolved
- A bug where Ryze Freljord was able to Chill and Stun crowd-control immune targets has been resolved
- Ahri targeting no longer targets the farthest unit on the board when the current target perishes
- A bug preventing Risky Move Augment player damage instantly has been resolved
- A bug that offered a Spatular through Salvage Bin has been resolved
- Players can no longer use items and consumables on the champion in the God Willow’s Grove during combat
- The Region Portal Noxkraya will no longer grant double the item bonuses to units on away boards
- Lux will no longer reset her cast when a mana item is placed on her while casting
- Darkin can no longer fail to grant its buff to an ally if the ally dies while the blade is traveling
- Flickering in the shop from Frequent Flyer has been resolved
- Units will no longer proc the Stellacorn’s Blessing Augment’s effect if they attempt to heal while at full Health
- The Thresh’s Sanctum region portal will now grant its loot orbs to the correct location whether the player is home or away (top left corner of the board)
- The What the Forge Augment will no longer grant its Ornn items to a player’s home board if they are fighting on another player’s board
Published: Aug 1, 2023 6:01 PM UTC