Game designer Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer provided fans with a data dive into Teamfight Tactics Set Eight today that features two regular Augments and one Hero Augment taken over 60 percent of the time at Stage 2-1.
Balancing TFT Set Eight is back on track, with the 13.1 C-patch showcasing “the most balanced patch we’ve seen for Monsters Attack! so far,” according to Mortdog. The eighth set started off with a month-long patch due to the holidays and had Patch 13.3 delayed following a social engineering attack that was directed at Riot. Despite the hiccups, data dives from the TFT team show that the Set Eight meta is starting to settle down while also revealing some of the top Augments chosen by players during the early game stages.
Both the regular Augments Level Up and Portable Forge are chosen at Stage 2-1 over 65 percent of the time. Regular TFT Augments aren’t the main mechanic in Set Eight, though. Only one Hero Augment, Vayne’s Spread Shot, competes with the regular Augments. The carry Augment for Vayne is picked around 61 percent of the time at Stage 2-1, making it the strongest three-cost Hero Augment in Set Eight.
Data shows that Reroll trends are diminishing as players are seeking Augments that can strengthen their board immediately at Stage 2-1. And if win-streaking is out of the question, players are opting to go with the Consistency Augment 54 percent of the time, which doubles either win or loss streak gold.
This shift in TFT Set Eight gameplay is somewhat of a surprise as Reroll strategies were dominating the meta when Monsters Attack! first launched. Now, players are leaning toward four-cost primary carriers and hitting legendary end-game boards by Stage Five.
The next major update to TFT Set Eight is scheduled to take place through Patch 13.3, which will drop on the live servers on Feb. 8.
Published: Jan 31, 2023 4:39 PM UTC