The second half of Teamfight Tactics Set 13 features a new Revival event mode where you can play the old Festival of Beasts game mode. It brings back iconic old comps like Elderwood, Duelists, Ninjas, Sharpshooters, and more. Here’s a refresher on the best meta TFT Set 4.5 Festival of Beast comps.
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Best comps in TFT Set 4.5 Revival Festival of Beasts
Festival of Beasts has a wide variety of comps and the unique Chosen mechanic that lets one of your units have double the Traits. Most TFT Set 4.5 comps rotate around this Trait mechanic, and here are the top meta comp picks.
Mage Elderwood
First off, we have the Mage Elderwood comp, which historically dominated TFT during Set 4.5 and had the highest-ranking players spamming it. The comp is strong due to its easy itemization and flexible carry options. You can pick either Aurelion Sol or three-star Veigar as your carry, depending on who you get more copies of. The comp runs five Mages and six Elderwood Traits with a quick level eight playstyle unless you plan on rolling.

You’ll want to fish for the Mage Trait on one of your Chosen units to hit the five Mage bonus. As for items, you can go with most AP carry items, but Jewelled Gauntlet is necessary if you’re playing for Aurelion Sol carry. If Assassins dominate the lobby, swap to Dragonsoul Mages.
Kalista Duelist
Another powerful comp is running a Kalista hypercarry with a Duelist/Adept frontline. Kalista is incredibly powerful in Festival of Beasts, especially if you stack multiple Guinsoo’s Rageblades on her. This comp has only Kalista as your backline while you load up your frontline with Duelists. You’re ideally trying to stack item-wise, so your priority will be Guinsoo’s and Quicksilver for Kalista while building tank items on Shen. Give the Duelist Trait to Yone if available and pick Adept Chosen Shen for Adept four.

After building Kalista and Shen’s items, you can itemize defensively or offensively based on the game state and your board’s requirements.
Zed Reroll with Spirit
Zed Reroll with either Spirit or Slayers as your core is a popular strategy due to its flexibility. Zed uses the same three items in both comps. Early on, you play Duelists till level five, and then you can slow roll at Level seven to get a Zed three-star for Ninjas. This comp requires you to actively scout other boards and use positioning tricks to have Zed assassinate the enemy carries. You can pivot to a Kindred carry for the Ninja Spirit comp if you don’t get him.

If you commit to the Zed three-star carry, you should run Pyke and Janna instead of Kindred and Yuumi to get the Mystic and Slayer(with Chosen) Traits. You can round both versions off with Ornn and Zilean to give your team more sustain/utility.
Executioner Divine Kayle
While hard to pull off, Executioner Divine with Kayle as the hypercarry is one of the strongest late-game comps in TFT Festival of Beasts. However, since Kayle is a four-cost unit, you’ll have to play around strong early-game units early on and build your Divine and Executioner units while minimizing HP loss. You have two options for this comp. Either go for eight Divine Traits or a more even four-four split between Divine and Executioner. You can achieve eight Divine with an Emblem and a Chosen unit, while running four Executioners requires only one of these.

As for the items, you should hold onto Kayle and Shen’s item components early on or place them on temporary holder units that can use them. You’ll have to play around Kindred early and fish for Chosen Kayle with Divine. After this, add Shen and Yuumi once you reach Level Eight and round off your board with a Lee Sin and, ideally, an Ornn or Yone.
Cultists fast 9
Those of you familiar with Black Rose will find yourselves right at home with Cultists. Instead of Sion, you’ll be summoning a Galio, who gets stronger as the Trait ranks up. Stacking nine Cultist traits requires both the Chosen and the Emblem. Otherwise, you’ll have to pair it with another secondary Trait or supplementary units like Ornn, which won’t give as strong of a result.

Your priority will be getting items for Kalista and Aatrox while leveling up and gathering all the Cultists. Loss streaking is acceptable as long as you can preserve HP. Your ninth slot is fairly flexible as you can choose Ornn for more tankiness and Radiant items if you get him early, Lee Sin for Duelist, or Swain for more Galio sustain.
Sharpshooter is a backline-loaded comp where you fill up all of your backline slots with Sharpshooters, but if you don’t get the best items, you might be too weak in the late game. The goal is to three-star your Teemo and Kindred and shred through the enemy team with the rest of your backline before they can get through your scant frontline units. Teemo can almost perma-blind any diving assassins, which is both hilarious and overpowered in this format. Here’s an example of a fully vertical Sharpshooter board.

If you can’t run eight Sharpshooters, we suggest pivoting and reinforcing your frontline with four Vanguard units while keeping Teemo and Sivir as carries. You want to add high-cost Vanguard units like Sejuanni, Aatrox, and Ornn to build a stronger frontline. You’ll have to focus on getting a three-star Sivir instead of Kindred for this board. Here’s an example of the Vanguard Sharpshooter board, which is more robust but requires some luck.

Those are some of the best TFT comps for the Revival Festival of Beasts in Set 13.4. If you feel like checking back into Set 13, be sure to check out the full battle pass rewards and our Set 13 Artifact tier list.
Published: Jan 28, 2025 03:57 am