Teamfight Tactics is back again with the newly named patch-naming system, introducing TFT Patch 13.3. This marks the third patch of TFT Set 13 and after weeks of observations over December, TFT starts off the new year with a whole bunch of balance changes to the game.
TFT Patch 13.3 goes live on Jan. 15 alongside the League of Legends update and aims to shift the balance and tune down comps and items that are performing too well while buffing underperformers. Let’s go over everything you need to know about TFT Patch 13.3 balance changes.
Table of contents
All TFT Patch 13.3 balance changes
TFT Patch 13.3 system changes
There are a few quality-of-life improvements for the Carousel and Opening Encounters:
- Opening Encounter duration has been lowered to ensure you can get in and start low-
rolling even faster - The stage three carousel now always has one of each component unless the carousel
contains Spatulas
TFT Patch 13.3 trait changes
The Chem-Baron comp has been hit hard with several balance changes aiming to reduce the impact of their loss-streak cashouts turning the game completely in their favor. Automata is also receiving some nerfs while Scrap, Artillerist, and Sorcerer get minor buffs.
- Attacks Per Proc reduced from four to three.
- Armor/MR adjusted from 25/60/140 to 25/55/100.
- Base Damage increased from 150/400/1100 to 150/400/1200.
- 400 Cashout Value: Gold Value lowered from 70g to 65g (8 percent reduction).
- 500 Cashout Value: Gold Value lowered from 105g to 90g (15 percent reduction).
- Perfected Destabilized Chemtank: HP reduced from 999 to 700.
- Perfected Destabilized Chemtank: Armor/MR reduced from 45 to 30.
- Perfected Executioner’s Chainblade: AD reduced from 75 percent to 50 percent.
- Perfected Executioner’s Chainblade: On Kill Durability and Damage Amp reduced from 20 percent to 15 percent.
- Perfected Piltover Hexarmor Armor/MR: Reduced from 75 to 50.
- Perfected Piltover Hexarmor: Perfected Bonus Cooldown increased from two seconds to four seconds.
- Perfected Shimmer Bloom: Heal/Shield Increase reduced from 50 percent to 40 percent.
- Perfected Shimmer Bloom: Perfected Bonus Cooldown increased from one second to two seconds.
- Perfected Unleashed Toxins AP: Reduced from 45 to 30.
- Perfected Unleashed Toxins: Perfected Bonus Stun Duration reduced from one second to 0.5 seconds.
- Perfected Unleashed Toxins: Perfected Bonus Damage reduced from 200 to 150.
- Perfected Virulent Virus: AP reduced from 50 to 40.
- Perfected Virulent Virus: AS reduced from 45 percent to 40 percent.
- Perfected Virulent Virus: True Damage reduced from 45 percent to 35 percent.
- Perfected Virulent Virus: Perfected Bonus Damage Reduction reduced from 20 percent to 15 percent.
- Perfected Virulent Virus: Perfected Bonus HP: Reduced from 1200 to 800.
- Perfected Voltaic Saber: Omnivamp: Reduced from 60 percent to 45 percent.
- Perfected Voltaic Saber: Instances of Damage to Proc increased from four to six.
- Shield Duration increased from 20 seconds to 24 seconds.
- Nine piece Shield per Component increased from 60 to 65.
- AP increased from 20/50/95/125 to 20/55/105/150.
TFT Patch 13.3 unit changes
1-Cost Units
1-cost units have received a bit more oomph in their kits to remain relevant longer.
- Powder: Ability Fall Off reduced from 30/30/25 percent to 25/25/25 percent.
- Singed: Ability Damage Reduction reduced from 50/50/55/60 percent to 45/45/50/50 percent.
- Steb: Mana changed from 30/90 to 25/75.
- Trundle: Mana changed from 30/90 to 30/80.
- Zyra: Primary Ability Damage increased from 260/390/585 to 280/420/630.

2-Cost Units
Underperformers like Camille and Zeri receive buffs, while the stronger 2-costs get nerfs.
- Camille: Ability Damage AD percent increased from 230/230/260 percent to 245/245/265 percent.
- Leona: Mana reduced from 50/90 to 30/75.
- Renata Glasc: Ability Shield reduced from 95/120/150 to 95/115/135.
- Zeri: AD increased from 48 to 51.
- Ziggs: Splash Bomb Damage reduced from 90/135/200 to 80/120/180.
3-Cost Units
Cassiopeia, Twisted Fate, and melee Gangplank receive several buffs due to how poorly they perform in the current meta.
- Cassiopeia: Attack Speed increased from 0.7 to 0.75.
- Cassiopeia: Mana reduced from 10/40 to 0/40.
- Gangplank: Melee Ability Heal increased from 100/125/150 to 120/140/160.
- Gangplank: Melee Ability AD percent increased from 340/340/340 percent to 360/360/375 percent.
- Loris: Ability Shield increased from 525/600/700 to 600/700/800.
- Smeech: Mana changed from 20/80 to 20/70.
- Twisted Fate: Yellow Card Damage increased from 230/345/535 to 240/360/560.
- Twisted Fate: Red Card Damage increased from 110/165/255 to 120/180/275.
4-Cost Units
Ekko, Twitch, and Elise receive buffs due to how difficult they are to set up properly.
- Ekko: Mana reduced from 0/60 to 0/50.
- Elise: Ranged Spell Damage increased from 200/300/900 to 220/330/1000.
- Twitch: Mana reduced from 0/60 to 0/40.

5-Cost Units
Jayce gets some nerfs to prevent Hextech Forge abuse, while Malzahar and Leblanc get some much-needed love.
- Jayce’s Hextech Forge: No longer triggers its effect automatically when revived. It will now only trigger if Jayce is alive when he casts his spell.
- Jayce: Melee Ability AD percent increased from 500/500/2000 percent to 600/600/3000 percent.
- Jayce: Melee Ability Secondary AD percent increased from 225/225/1500 percent to 250/250/2000 percent.
- LeBlanc: Attack Speed increased from 0.8 to 0.85.
- Malzahar: Ability Wave Damage increased from 80/120/1000 to 100/150/1000.
- Malzahar: Damage Per Tick increased from 15/22/400 to 16/24/400.
6-Cost Units
Viktor has been outclassing the other 6-costs, so it’s time for Mel and Warwick to step up.
- Mel: Ability Damage increased from 180/450/2700 to 200/500/2700.
- Mel: Ability Unleash Damage increased from 1390/3475/99999 to 1600/4000/99999.
- Warwick: Experiment Bonus Stun Duration increased from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
- Warwick: Blood Hunter Heal increased from 400 to 500.
- Warwick: Blood Frenzy AD percent increased from 200/375/2500 percent to 240/400/2500 percent.

TFT Patch 13.3 Augment changes
There are some massive Augment changes, with Augments that enabled comps like Lone Hero Lux being removed alongside Artifactory and Arcane Retribution. Most Augments have received some form of balance change as well.
- Blade Dance (Irelia): Attack Speed increased from 40 percent to 60 percent.
- Dummify: HP Per Stage increased from 250 to 1000.
- Glass Cannon I: Starting HP increased from 80 percent to 90 percent.
- Kingslayer: Gold on Win from Behind increased from four to five.
- Lone Hero: Has been disabled.
- Survivor: Gold Granted increased from 60 to 70.
- Team Building: Turn Delay reduced from seven to five.
- Trolling (Trundle): Attack Speed Granted increased from 140 percent to 160 percent.
- Another Anomaly: Item Base Stats increased from 250 HP, 20 AD, 25 AP to 350 HP, 25 AD, 30 AP.
- Arcane Retribution (Sorcerer): Has been disabled.
- Cloning Facility: Clone HP increased from 70 percent to 80 percent.
- Cloning Facility: Clone Mana Increase reduced from 20 percent to 10 percent.
- Contested: Has been disabled.
- Crimson Pact (Vladimir): Mana Per Auto increased from three to five.
- Family Crest: No longer grants a Violet.
- Forward Thinking: Gold increased from 70 to 80.
- Glass Cannon II: Starting HP increased from 80 percent to 90 percent.
- Golemify: HP Per Stage increased from 150 to 500.
- Moonlight: AP & AD Bonus increased from 25 percent to 35 percent.
- One for All II: Damage Amp reduced from 2.5 percent to two percent.
- Overheal: Bonus Damage increased from 115 percent to 125 percent.
- Paint the Town Blue (Rebel): Rebels Cloned reduced from five to four.
- Superstars II: Damage Increase Per 3-Star reduced from five percent to four percent.
- Trait: Sisters Vi: AD Gained increased from 40 percent to 60 percent.
- Two Much Value: Two Costs Granted increased from two to four.
- Warpath: 1-Star 5-Costs Granted reduced from four to three.
- Warpath: Completed Anvils Granted increased from one to two.
- An Exalted Adventure: Lesser Champion Duplicators are now granted at the start of the next three stages instead of now and at the start of every stage.
- Anger Issues: AD & AP Per Stack increased from one to 1.5.
- Anger Issues: Armor/MR Per Item increased from 45 to 50.
- Artifactory: Has been disabled.
- Belt Overflow: Bonus HP Per Belt increased from 75 to 90.
- Bronze For Life II: Durability Per Trait reduced from 1.5 percent to one percent.
- Build A Bud: Gold Granted increased from eight to ten.
- Calculated: Enhancement AD increased from 35 percent to 40 percent.
- Calculated: Enhancement AP increased from 40 percent to 50 percent.
- Dark Alley Dealings: Has been disabled.
- Expected Unexpectedness: Stage Two Low Roll Rerolls increased from seven to ten.
- Expected Unexpectedness: Stage Three Mid Roll increased from 2x 4-Costs to 3x 4-Costs.
- Expected Unexpectedness: Stage Four Mid Roll increased from 2x 5-Costs to 3x 5-Costs.
- Family Crown: No longer grants a Violet and a Vander.
- Flurry of Blows: Bonus Crit Chance increased from 35 percent to 45 percent.
- Ghosts of Units Past: HP Per Stack increased from five to six.
- Ghosts of Units Past: AD Per Stack increased from 0.8 percent to one percent.
- Subscription Service: Gold Granted increased from six to eight.
- Sword Overflow: Attack Speed Per Sword increased from 2.5 percent to three percent.
- Trait: Geniuses Ekko: Clone Damage increased from 33 percent to 50 percent.
- Void Swarm: Turn Delay reduced from 11 to 10.
- Wand Overflow: Attack Speed Per Rod increased from 2.5 percent to four percent.

TFT Patch 13.3 item changes
Underperforming items have all received buffs.
- Deathblade: Damage Amp increased from eight percent to 10 percent.
- Evenshroud: Bonus Armor/MR Duration increased from 10 seconds to 15 seconds.
- Ionic Spark: HP increased from 100 to 150.
- Runaan’s Hurricane: Bolt Damage increased from 55 percent to 60 percent.
TFT Patch 13.3 Artifact changes
Balance changes across the board for Artifacts that are way too strong to not pick and Fishbones being made more viable for AP units.
- Fishbones: AD reduced from 40 percent to 20 percent.
- Fishbones: AS increased from 40 percent to 50 percent.
- Gambler’s Blade: Base AS reduced from 45 percent to 35 percent.
- Rapid Firecannon: AS reduced from 75 percent to 66 percent.
- Sivermere Dawn: Armor/MR reduced from 60 to 50.
- Suspicious Trench Coat: Break Apart Point increased from 50 percent to 66 percent.
- Suspicious Trench Coat: Clone HP reduced from 30 percent to 25 percent.
- The Collector: AD reduced from 30 percent to 25 percent.
TFT Patch 13.3 Anomaly changes
Buffing the worst performing and least picked Anomalies while bringing down the two best ones.
- Arcana Overwhelming: MR Granted increased from 65 to 80.
- Arcana Overwhelming: Percent of MR Converted to AP increased from 25 percent to 30 percent.
- Avalanche of Armor: Armor Granted increased from 50 to 70.
- Berserker Rage: HP Threshold increased from 50 percent to 70 percent.
- Center of the Universe: Star Damage increased from 75 to 85.
- Energy Absorption: AP Gain on Ally Death increased from five percent to eight percent.
- Defense Expert: Armor/MR Gained increased from 66 percent to 75 percent.
- Laser Eyes: AP Damage increased from 100 percent to 133 percent.
- Mini Mees: Procs reduced from every three attacks to every two attacks.
- Nothing Wasted: Mana Gained reduced from 70 percent to 50 percent.
- Repulsor: AS increased from 35 percent to 40 percent.
- Slime Time: AP Ratio increased from 130 percent to 160 percent.
- Slime Time: Heal Ratio increased from 100 percent to 150 percent.
- Ultimate Hero: Turns to Upgrade increased from three to four.
- Wolf Familiars: AD increased from 50 percent to 65 percent.

TFT Patch 13.3 all bug fixes
Here are all the bug fixes implemented in TFT Patch 13.3.
- Wind-Up Monkey: Fixed a typo in several of the outcomes.
- Scavenger: Can no longer mistakenly grant Radiant items.
- Hard Commit: Fixed the final edge case that could allow it to give an Emblem for a trait without units of the required costs.
- Vander Encounter: Will now properly appear at the correct rates.
- Unbound Warwick: Pedestal now properly has VFX when disappearing.
- Noodling Around: Chibi Akali noodles have been reverted to the correct color of noodles.
Minor changes
- Clarified hex positioning for Find Your Center and Cloning Facility.
- Clarified Birthday Present’s tooltip to state that it can grant champions up to 5-cost
Published: Jan 7, 2025 02:00 pm