The Red Energy Crystal in Fisch is the last collectible you need to find to finally complete the puzzle after reaching the top of the mountain in the Northern Expedition, but it will require a trip around a few islands to press a few secret buttons.
After you collect all three Energy Crystals in Roblox’s Fisch, you need to talk to the NPC in the red shirt sitting near the back of the puzzle on the mountaintop. Once you talk to him about finding the Red Energy Crystal, he will tell you to explore other islands and discover their secrets to get the item. If you’re looking for a quick way to solve the mystery and find these hidden buttons, we’ve got you covered.
Here is every location of these secret hidden buttons to get the Red Energy Crystal in Fisch.
Table of contents
All hidden button locations to unlock the Red Energy Crystal in Fisch, listed
Here are all the islands that contain a secret button to unlock the Red Energy Crystal and the locations of these hidden buttons in Fisch:
Button #1 Moosewood

Moosewood is the easiest one to find, and it’s literally behind the Leaderboards on the starting island. Once you spawn inside the Inn or simply dock your ship, find the Leaderboard and go toward the left of it while going behind it. It’s the same spot where you’d found the Pilgrim NPC, who told you about Turkey during the Fischgiving event.
After going to the back of the boards, press the red button and hold your interact key to make it green. Then, you can do the same on other islands.
Button #2 Forsaken Shores

After coming to the Forsaken Shores, you need to find the land to your right with two long watchtowers and a pirate flag. They’re located on the shores, so you can easily spot them from your ship. Now, you want to climb the one with a cannon near its base. Once you find the pirate watchtower, use the ladder and climb it to reach the top.
Now, the button should be in front of you, and you can easily turn it green and move to another island.
Button #3 Roslit

Once you come to Roslit Bay, you need to dock your ship and follow the Shinning Candy canes until you spot the Angler NPC on your left and the fireplace with another NPC. The NPC should be sitting on the wooden log near the fire, and you want to go toward the north of the fireplace and look directly at the log’s open side. You should spot the button here, and you can turn it green to find other islands.
Button #4 Ancient Isles

To find the button in Ancient Isles, don’t go to the main island with the waterfall. Instead, find the cluster of smaller islands to its left, specifically the one with the Lighthouse, and find its door.
It’s the same place where you can purchase the Stone Rod, and you should spot the button near the Lighthouse’s gate. Turn it green and move to the final island.
Button #5 Snowcap Island

In Snowcap Island, you need to go past the Elf and other NPCs near the Dock, make your way up to the Upper Snowcap, and find the freshwater pond. Now, go to the left of the pond, which will lead to the Wilson NPC near the ledge, standing near two light posts.
The light post away from Wilson will have the last button to press. Change your camera to look at the light post from the direction of the ledge to find the button on its bottom.
Once you’re done pressing all the buttons, return to the top of the mountain. If you have paid the Inn Keeper there, you can simply use your Conception Conch to teleport yourself to the top and go back to the NPC. This time, a secret compartment next to it will open and reveal the Red Energy Crystal. You can either purchase it by paying C$ 250,000 or simply select the option to run away—but consider the possible consequences.
With all four Energy Crystals, you can finally solve the puzzle and open the Northern Expedition Frozen Vault to get yourself the Heaven’s Rod, which is amazing for late-game fishing.
Next, you can read our guides on getting the Event Horizon Rod and completing Santa’s Quests in Fisch.
Published: Dec 22, 2024 2:00 PM UTC