Poipole has joined Pokémon Go through the new Season of Wonders quest line. But its evolution, Naganadel, is nowhere to be seen.
This is the norm when it comes to Niantic adding new Pokémon evolutions, since the team usually holds them back for later events to keep players engaged for as long as possible. Even White-Striped Basculin, which was added to the game during Pokémon Go Tour: Sinnoh, cannot evolve into Basculegion yet
So, this begs the question. Is Poipole’s evolution, Naganadel, even available? And can you evolve it at this current time?
Can you evolve Poipole into Naganadel in Pokémon Go?

There is currently no way to evolve Poipole into Naganadel in Pokémon Go at the time of writing, with the release of Naganadel tied to the season.
Like Cosmog before it, Poipole will likely only become available to evolve as we get closer to the end of Season of Wonders, which ends on June 1. There is currently no indication of when Naganadel will be added into the game or its evolution method. But if we had to guess, it would simply be Poipole candy, which you should get a lot of over the next few months as you complete special research tasks.
If we had to guess based on previous events where evolution methods have been tied to seasonal releases, then it seems May will be the earliest time when Naganadel will be released. Niantic could always bring it out earlier, though.
We will update this article once Naganadel becomes available.
Published: Mar 2, 2024 1:22 PM UTC