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It’s party time. Overwatch‘s third Anniversary event is now on live servers and players can enjoy some very sweet rewards. Starting today, players can unlock 11 new skins and dance emotes for characters like Baptiste, Ashe, and Wrecking Ball.
New skins available for the event include D.Va’s Academy skin, which gives the mech pilot a scholarly makeover, and a stone-cold Gargoyle Winston. Mei gets a maid look and Brigitte gets an outfit modeled after a police officer. A deep-sea diver Roadhog skin and a crisp white Pharah skin will also be available.
The highlight of the annual Anniversary event is the availability of all previous seasonal event skins, emotes, and highlight introductions. If you missed out on a specific skin from Winter Wonderland or Halloween, this is the time to unlock it.
Players will also be able to enjoy any of the year’s past brawls in the Arcade on a rotating basis throughout the event. Classics like Yeti Hunter and Junkenstein’s Revenge will be available and, yes, Lúcioball will make a triumphant return. Achievements for these events will also count towards unlocking the exclusive sprays from past seasonal events.
Overwatch’s Anniversary event lasts until June 10.
Published: May 21, 2019 6:17 PM UTC