The fictional element in the Marvel universe known as the “adamantium” bolstered a lot of heroes and villains in terms of their abilities and defense. The most known user of this is Wolverine, but there are also other characters who are capable of using this to strike power, including the ferocious Lady Deathstrike.
In Marvel Snap, Lady Deathstrike is a game-changing card that can wipe away multiple units at once. Building decks around her can be one of your best options to make your way to Infinite.
Marvel Snap Lady Deathstrike abilities, explained
Lady Deathstrike is a five-cost, three-Power card with the ability that reads “On Reveal: Destroy each card here with less Power than this.”
The catch with her effect is she is only three Power despite being a five-cost card. She can already destroy cards with two or fewer Power, which are mostly low-cost and early-game cards. But Lady Deathstrike can still be a dangerous threat to enemies.

Once she is available in the game, Lady Deathstrike will be released as a series five card, meaning players can purchase her for 6,000 tokens from the Weekly Spotlight section of the Token Shop. Another way of getting her is through the Spotlight Caches, where she will be up for grabs as part of the four-card pool for the week of Aug. 14 to 21. So, save up and use your tokens or credits if you want her to be a part of your collection.
Strategy and best combos for Lady Deathstrike decks in Marvel Snap
Lady Deathstrike works two ways. The first one is an offensive Lady Deathstrike, where she is meant to be played as an offensive threat to your opponent.
Here, the main goal of Lady Deathstrike is to destroy your opponent’s cards, which can be converted as an added offense for your side. Playing cards that increase her Power can be beneficial. These include Shuri and Forge.
The other way to play Lady Deathstrike is to her as a tool to destroy your own cards. Through this, you can possibly trigger a handful of effects that revolve around the discard mechanic. Wolverine, for example, is a two-cost, two-Power card that can be destroyed and regenerated by Lady Deathstrike. Other destroy staples such as Nova, Deadpool, and Bucky Barnes are other great targets for her ability. She can also boost Knull’s Power, as well as lowering the cost of Death.
Related: Best Daken decks in Marvel Snap
Lady Deathstrike can also be used alongside Mister Negative, since the cost and Power switch greatly benefit the former’s ability to destroy targets while boosting cards. The outplay potential you can have could be devastating.
The best Lady Deathstrike decks in Marvel Snap
Destroy Deathstrike

The fact that Lady Deathstrike’s ability revolves around the destroy mechanic just means her main home is in a destroy deck. The standard destroy strategy has now been boosted with Lady Deathstrike’s arrival, especially because of her ability which is another way of destroying your own units to unlock certain advantages.
The cards that benefit from being destroyed are here, including Deadpool, Bucky Barnes, and Wolverine. Aside from Lady Deathstrike, the other destroy enablers in this deck are Carnage, Venom, and Deathlok. The combo of Daken and Absorbing Man is also present, with the former being able to give the Muramasa Shard, doubling Daken’s current Power when destroyed or discarded, while the latter can give another Muramasa Shard which can provide another power-doubling effect to Daken.
Forge can also be added to boost Lady Deathstrike’s Power, destroying more cards. Cap off the deck with the dynamic duo of Knull and Death, since they are your lategame options to instantly boost your locations’ Power.
Win condition cards for this deck
Aside from Lady Deathstrike, the other win condition cards for this deck are:
- Knull
- Death
- Daken
- Absorbing Man
Knull and Death are automatically your massive Power sources, so it is a must to always spam the destroy mechanic in the early to mid game as much as possible. The Daken and Absorbing Man combo, on the other hand, is another great alternative Power strategy that can also boost Knull and Death.
Negative Deathstrike

The Destroy deck with Lady Deathstrike is the safer and more consistent way of playing Marvel Snap‘s newest addition to its growing roster of cards. But if you are in for a more explosive strategy that can make or break your game, playing Lady Deathstrike alongside a Mister Negative deck can be your choice.
Mister Negative is best used alongside cards with low base Powers but with powerful effects. Aside from Lady Deathstrike and Knull, some of the good targets for Mister Negative’s effect include Iron Heart, Mystique, Shuri, Wong, and Arnim Zola. All of them greatly benefit from the cost and Power switch ability of Mister Negative, so it is best to play him as early as possible.
To make the Mister Negative play more effective, you can add Psylocke, which may allow for a possible turn three Mister Negative play thanks to her ability to give plus one additional energy during the next turn. Forge is there for a possible boost, and Jane Foster can be played to fetch your zero-cost cards from the deck.
Win condition cards for this deck
The win condition cards for this deck are:
- Mister Negative
- Iron Man
- Knull
- Arnim Zola
- Shuri
Mister Negative defines the win condition. It’s always the priority to bring him out as early as possible since the cost and Power switch ability applies to your cards in the deck.
As for Iron Man, he can boost one of your locations thanks to his ability to double the total Power of the location where he is placed. Knull benefits from Lady Deathstrike’s destruction ability, Arnim Zola can give more unpredictability, and Shuri can give you a 10-Power Lady Deathstrike if she is affected by Mister Negative’s effect.
Lady Deathstrike decks’ current state in the meta
Decks with Lady Deathstrike aren’t that popular in the current meta. She has an ability that can be fully maximized with setups that may be a bit hard to pull off, especially on how her Power can become bigger to destroy as many cards as possible.
Her effect is still a decent tool in Destroy decks, primarily on destroying cards like Deadpool, Nova, Wolverine, and Daken’s Muramasa Shard. But, what makes her a bit difficult to play is her five-cost stat, which can be activated in the late game. Still, you can use her in case you are still not able to destroy the mentioned cards, especially to pump up Daken’s Power.
The Mister Negative deck is more of a fun deck to play rather than a competitive one. The satisfaction it can provide, especially if Lady Deathstrike’s Power is boosted thanks to Mister Negative and the Wong/Shuri setup, can be fulfilling if you manage to destroy some of the opponent’s mid to high-Power cards on the way to a win.
Published: Aug 28, 2023 6:14 AM UTC