There are many essential aspects of gameplay in Hogwarts Legacy, but completing the Merlin Trial puzzles scattered around the open world is certainly one of the most important ones for players who are hoping to gain the inventory expansions and the increased gear capacities that they provide. One particular area of the world that is packed with three different Merlin Trials for players to tackle is the dark and dangerous Forbidden Forest.
The Forbidden Forest region sits just to the north of Hogwarts castle and includes a fully-realized version of the spooky area for players to explore. While the Forbidden Forest is a taboo in both the Harry Potter films and books, Hogwarts Legacy allows players to deeply explore the area as much as they desire without consequences.

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In fact, exploring the Forbidden Forest grants numerous rewards and is essential for certain gameplay aspects. Players will be tasked with visiting the area for a variety of reasons, including resource gathering, important quests, and locating magical creatures.
In addition to the many other gameplay aspects the ominous area offers, players will also find three different Merlin Trials throughout the region. Some Merlin Trials around the world have the same gameplay mechanics, but all three of the Merlin Trials in the Forbidden Forest region are very different from each other.

Because of how dense the Forbidden Forest is, locating each of these trials can be quite difficult. Luckily, each one sits by an important landmark which makes the process a bit easier.
Players will find one Forbidden Forest Merlin Trial near Jackdaw’s Tomb, another by the Hippogriff Den, and the final one right by the North Ford Bog entrance Floo flame teleportation point.
Forbidden Forest Merlin Trial one: near Jackdaw’s Tomb
The first Forbidden Forest Merlin Trial is located right across the lake from Jackdaw’s Tomb. You’ll need Confringo unlocked to complete it.

This Merlin Trial tasks players with lighting three braziers. Usually, this type of Merlin task requires players to start with the tallest one and end with the shortest, but the braziers appear to be a similar height for this one, which means that players can choose to light them in any order.
Players must work through casting Confringo on the braziers quickly because each one will begin descending into the ground as soon as they have been set ablaze. All three braziers must be lit before any of them have fully sunk into the ground, or you will need to start over.
The best way to find all three braziers is to cast Revelio while standing near the Merlin Trial location. All three will be outlined in a blue glow which should make it easy for players to find them. If you’re still struggling to find them, the exact locations of the three braziers are as follows.
- The first brazier is sitting behind a spiderweb right by the fallen tree that is near the Merlin Trial. If you haven’t done so before, you’ll want to burn away the spider web blocking it with Incendio or Confringo.

- If you are standing facing the Merlin Trial in the direction of the lake, the second brazier is to your east. It is situated slightly down a slope but is very close to the trial itself.

- The third brazier is near the lake that players can look across to see Jackdaw’s Tomb.

The trick to successfully complete this Merlin Trial is to try and stand as far away from each brazier as possible when casting Confringo to light it. You can actually hit all three while still standing fairly close to the Merlin Trial, which is the best way to ensure you light them all in time. Choosing one area to stay in will allow players to move between casting Confringo on each brazier as quickly as possible to ensure that they can light all of them before the others sink into the ground.
Forbidden Forest Merlin Trial two: near the Hippogriff Den
The next Merlin Trial is situated in the Forbidden Forest region that is just east of the Hippogriff Den. There are a few animal poachers hanging around that must be vanquished before players can begin this trial.

To complete this Merlin Trial, the only spells that players will need are Lumos and one of Confringo or Incendio. For this puzzle, players need to find three sets of butterflies around the area and lure them back to the ancient stones by utilizing Lumos.
There are three ancient stones and three corresponding sets of butterflies to find. All three of the ancient stones are situated around the edges of the Merlin Trial, but if you are struggling to see them since they blend in, simply cast Revelio and they will be outlined in a blue glow.
The butterflies are trickier to find but are also all located in very close proximity to the trial.
- The first set of butterflies can be found in a cave that is embedded in the wall behind the Merlin Trial. Players can cast Confringo at the rocks found there to reveal the butterflies within. After casting Lumos to attract them, turn back toward the Merlin Trial area and approach any of the ancient stones that have blue rocks in the middle. Once you have gotten close to one, the butterflies will automatically fly onto it and light up the stone within.

- The second set of butterflies is hidden behind some vines growing behind the animal hide near the Merlin Trial. Players will need to cast Confringo or Incendio to clear the vines away before they then cast Lumos to lure the butterflies to a different ancient stone that is situated around the Merlin Trial.

- The final set of butterflies is floating around the wooden structure that is sitting over the edge of the cliff behind the Merlin Trial. Once again, players simply need to approach them and activate Lumos to lead the flying creatures back to the final ancient stone.

After all three stones have been lit by the butterflies, the Merlin Trial will be complete.
Forbidden Forest Merlin Trial three: near North Ford Bog entrance
The last Merlin Trial that players will come across in the Forbidden Forest area is almost exactly on the border between the Forbidden Forest and North Ford Bog region. This Merlin Trial is another one that has enemies lurking about, so players will want to vanquish the poachers around the area so that they can navigate the puzzle in peace.

This Merlin Trial is a parkour course. After placing the Mallowsweet leaves to start the trial, knock all of the stacked rock piles off of the ancient pillars situated around the area. There are five different piles that players will need to knock over.

Once all of the rock piles have been cleared, locate the wooden box that you can climb on. Utilize this box to get on top of the pillar right by it. You will now need to jump from pillar to pillar in a parkour course.

Players must jump from each pillar to the next without touching the ground to successfully complete this Merlin Trial. If you do fall and touch the ground at any point, you’ll have to restart the trial from the same starting pillar by the box once again.

As you make your way from one pillar to the next, vines will grow around the pillar to indicate that players have already successfully landed on that one. Many of the jumps look like they are impossible, but your character is more intuitive than you might think and will always grab onto the pillar and climb up without touching the ground if possible.

There are eight different pillars including the first one that they climb onto that players will need to stand on for the trial to be completed. These pillars perfectly outline the Merlin Trial area which should thus clearly indicate the mostly linear path players will need to take around the area.
Players will essentially be walking in a straight line until they reach the corner, turn left, walk in a straight line for a bit again, turn left again, and walk across the last pillars to officially complete the trial. It will be clear that players have successfully completed the parkour course because the usual Merlin Trial cutscene of the vines growing on the main platform and the outline of Merlin will appear.
Published: Feb 11, 2023 10:17 PM UTC