Hogwarts Legacy is brimming with optional content you can pursue outside the game’s main narrative. While exploring the vast expanse of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the wizarding world beyond, you will likely encounter anything from Merlin Trials to Daedalian Keys scattered throughout the major regions.
Treasure Vaults are another optional objective that players can seek. As you may expect, these vaults can contain significant amounts of Galleons or useful items. Before you can access the treasure, however, you need to complete a series of simple puzzles. Each region in Hogwarts Legacy has several treasure vaults, with Aranshire being one such region.
If you hope to plunder some loot in Aranshire, here’s what you need to do.
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How to complete Aranshire Treasure Vaults in Hogwarts Legacy
Aranshire has seven total treasure vaults you can uncover. These vaults can be identified on the map by a cave-like icon.
1) South Aranshire

This first location requires you to use Confringo or Depulso to clear out the ruins blocking the vault’s entrance. From here, you descend further into the vault and find your loot.
2) North Aranshire

This second location is found to the east of the lake surrounding Hogwarts. At the entrance, you may notice a metal platform on the ground with a leaf emblem. To open this door, venture just north of the vault to find a metal cube.
You should use Revelio to help your search, but the cube will not be far from this initial location. Once you find the cube, return it to the vault and place it atop the leaf emblem platform. Then, cast Leviosa and the door will open.
3) South West Aranshire

Unlike the other vaults, you can find the entry to this third location in Hogwarts Lake. You can identify the entrance by a whirlpool forming slightly offshore. After approaching the whirlpool, you will be prompted to dive down and emerge in a cavern soon after.
After swimming to shore, turn around and you will see a horizontal stone pillar. Simply cast Accio to pull the stone pillar out and the path to the vault’s chest will make itself clear.
4) South East Aranshire

This location will once again require you to pick up a nearby metal cube with Wingardium Leviosa and escort the block to the vault’s entry, hidden in a cave. Cast Incendio on the cube, and the stone door will open for you to explore.
After delving into the cave, you will come across a brazier atop a stone platform. Cast Glacius to put out the flame and then stand atop the stone platform to be transported into the next room. Here, you will claim your reward.
5) West Aranshire

Similar to two other vaults, you need to escort a block to a nearby vault entrance platform. You can find the metal cube on the shore opposite Hogwarts Castle. Once the block has been placed, cast Leviosa and walk up the nearby stairs to the vault’s entry.
Cast Revelio, and you will encounter a secret door. Approach the far way with Lumos active, and you will be pulled through the stone. Do this several times, and you will eventually see the room with the vault’s chest.
6) East Aranshire

This treasure vault will require you to have the Alohomora spell at level two. The entry will be a locked metal gate. Simply approach the vault and cast Alohomora, descend into the cavern, and claim your prize.
7) Central Aranshire

Found underneath the railroad bridge, you will once again come across a locked gate requiring Alohomora level two. Simply cast the unlocking spell and enter the cavern. After reaching the bottom level, you will come across a room with two arches with a spiral of moths circling around.
Cast Lumos, approach the moths, and watch as the bugs disappear and transform into the cavern’s chest.
Published: Jan 15, 2025 05:20 am