Honey is one of the resources needed to craft a Healing Potion in Enshrouded among a few other things. And since having enough healing items is always recommended as you venture to fight more dangerous monsters of the world, here’s how to get Honey in Enshrouded.
Where to find Honey in Enshrouded

You can get Honey in Enshrouded from the beehives found on the trees. It’s hard to miss them, simply look for gray bags on the trees (sometimes two or three of them), get close to the tree, and harvest the beehive. The beehive drops one Honey and one Wax, which can be used to increase Flame strength or craft lighting items.
To harvest higher beehives that are out of reach, I recommend using a bow. A simple wooden arrow will do just fine. It’s also safer to take the beehives down from range because the bee swarm won’t spawn and attack you—which is something that might happen when you collect Honey from up close.
Beehive locations in Enshrouded

The starting area near Longkeep and your first Flame Altar (or at least where you were recommended to build it) has quite a few trees with beehives. Look around the trees to the east of Longkeep and you should be able to gather a good chunk of Honey.
After you loot the beehive, it will disappear but also respawn in the same place on the next day. Long story short, don’t cut down the trees where you found beehives, as that’s an easy way to farm them without going too far away. There’s also a bug that instantly respawns resources including beehives if you leave to main menu and load back into the world. Use it to farm a load of resources.

If you accidentally chopped down the trees with beehives at Longkeep, there are a few more locations where you can find more of them. The nearest one I found was the Harvest Homestead, west of the first Ancient Spire which acts as a fast travel point. From the Homestead, keep heading north, as the town of Willow Crush also has plenty of beehives for you to harvest. You can go as far as building another Flame Altar and then using the glitch for an easy farm.
Further down the line, you’ll get yourself a Farmer and complete quests with her. That’ll eventually unlock a Beehive Smoker to craft your own beehives and collect both Honey and Wax whenever you want.
Published: Feb 2, 2024 5:19 PM UTC