Shadowfang Keep is an extremely popular dungeon in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery as it’s home to plenty of endgame gear that players are making the most of before heading into Blackfathom Deeps.
Outside of the endgame’s newly re-envisioned raid, Shadowfang Keep has some of the best gear you can obtain in the later stages of the Season of Discovery. Chances are, whether you’re an Alliance or Horde player, you’re going to be headed to Shadowfang Keep in hopes of tracking down some rare and powerful loot on more than one occasion during the new season.
Alliance players unquestionably have a tougher road to the dungeon, but both factions will need to make it a point to become familiar with the journey to Shadowfang Keep. You’re going to be headed there pretty regularly this season, especially when your Blackfathom Deeps lockout is on cooldown. Here’s how you can get to Shadowfang Keep entrance in the WoW Classic Season of Discovery.
How to get to Shadowfang Keep as a Horde player

Horde players have a relatively easy road to Shadowfang Keep. Since Silverpine Forest is a Horde-only zone, you can easily traverse the area and use the flight paths both within the zone and its surrounding areas to get to and from Shadowfang Keep relatively simply.
The easiest way to reach the dungeon as a Horde player is to fly to the Sepulcher in northern Silverpine and take the road south until you reach the fork that eventually leads to Shadowfang Keep. The trek shouldn’t take you that long as the convenience that comes with being in a Horde-controlled zone is going to come in handy whenever you’re making your way over to the dungeon.
How to get to Shadowfang Keep as an Alliance player in WoW Classic
Alliance players’ journey to Shadowfang is going to be noticeably tougher, largely because the faction doesn’t have any convenient points of control within Silverpine Forest. The closest Alliance flight path to Shadowfang Keep is going to be Southshore, which is found one zone over in the Hillsbrad Foothills.
We recommend getting the Southshore flight path as early as possible when leveling in the Season of Discovery, and possibly even setting the town as your Hearthstone point if you’re going to be running Shadowfang Keep pretty regularly. It’s definitely worth it to head north through Arathi Highlands while questing in the Wetlands to go to Southshore and grab the flight path. While there are no quests available to Alliance players in Hillsbrad during the Season of Discovery, unlocking the town’s flight master and getting familiar with it are going to be worthwhile investments.
If you’re a WoW Classic SoD player who’s looking to farm Shadowfang Keep continuously in hopes of getting some pre-raid best-in-slot gear, it’s not the worst idea in the world to make your home somewhere close to the dungeon. Nearby cities and towns like Menethil Harbor and Ironforge also work great, considering you can fly into Southshore from those places with ease once you have the flight path unlocked.
After stopping in Southshore, take the road west through Hillsbrad into Silverpine. While there aren’t any Alliance-controlled towns that you can stop into, the subzone of Pyrewood Village is full of Alliance-friendly NPCs, so you can always stop in there if you’re having trouble fending off some of the Horde players who might seek to gank you on your way to Shadowfang Keep.
Published: Dec 8, 2023 10:54 PM UTC