In WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5, Warlocks will be the next class coming to the whole of the game, with nearly every existing race being able to create a Warlock in the upcoming patch. Warlocks will be the eighth class in the game to become widely available to almost every race in the game (except the Evoker-locked Dracthyr race), alongside Warriors, Mages, Hunters, Rogues, Priests, Monks, and Death Knights.
Beyond new class combinations, Warlock players will be able to fully equip and customize their demon pets with all-new looks in the barber shop. The demons that are available for customization include the Imp, Felhunter, Voidwalker, Doomguards, Sayaad, Infernal, and Felguard.
Here’s everything that Warlock players can look forward to in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5.
Which Warlock demons will be available to customize in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5?

The first customization option that Warlock players will encounter will be a new model for the Imp pet that’s rewarded from a questline that begins with the quest “Beginning Impositions.” The quest can be picked up in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar depending on your faction, and is available for all Warlocks starting at level 30. After completing the questline, you can return to the barber shop in your capital city to customize your demon pets.
The Imp customization rewarded from that questline is for an appearance that includes a mane of hair around its neck, something that had previously only appeared on NPC-controlled Imp pets. In fact, many of the new customizations available to Warlock players in WoW Patch 10.1.5 take inspiration from the game’s demonic enemies throughout the years. Models such as those of the Void Traveler of The Burning Crusade expansion and the Shivarra demons from the Black Temple raid are becoming options for customization in the upcoming patch.

The Infernal and Felguard demons are locked to certain specializations, with Infernals only being customizable by Destruction Warlocks, and Felguards only being available for Demonology Warlocks.
How to unlock more Warlock customizations in WoW Dragonflight
Warlock players will be able to collect grimoires throughout Azeroth, allowing them to unlock more customization options via various forms of content, including quests, dungeons, and in-world events.
Related: WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1.5: Time Rift event guide, rewards, and more
Certain customizations found on the WoW PTR have roots in Burning Crusade Timewalking dungeons, Legion Time Rifts, the Karazhan raid, Antorus, and the Burning Throne, among many other sources. Some customization options have “???” labeled as their source, likely meaning a secret hunt will be in effect in order to track down where to get them.
Will more WoW classes get customizations like this in the future?

It’s possible that classes with unique and specific models attached to them (such as Paladin’s Divine Charger and Shaman’s totems) could receive a treatment like this somewhere down the line. So far in Dragonflight, Blizzard has been making an effort to cater to players of all classes, making the game more accessible and streamlined via customization options.
Related: Best Demonology Warlock talents and build in WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.1
The Dragonriding mount customization system introduced with the launch of Dragonflight last November paved the way for more of these opportunities, including Warlock pet customization. Should more classes get a chance like the one Warlocks are getting now, it would likely be a result of Blizzard’s advancement of customization in this expansion.
Likely candidates for intriguing customization options include Shamans and Hunters, whose litany of summonable totems and pets could open the door to countless customization options in the barber shop. Further additions for Warlocks also remain a possibility.
Published: Jun 28, 2023 9:30 PM UTC