Night Elves and Forsaken will be the next two races that’ll be able to represent their races proudly with sets of Heritage Armor after WoW Dragonflight’s next patch.
Heritage Armor is one of the most unique features added to World of Warcraft, and ever since the game’s races started to get their own sets of transmog armor during the Battle for Azeroth expansion in 2018, the armor has been an excellent way for players to show off their pride.
Heritage Armor is unique in that it represents the themes, colorizations, and regalia of WoW’s 24 different races.
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The process of getting Heritage Armor is so much more than just getting another transmog set for your characters. When a race is selected to get Heritage Armor, its players are signed up for an all-immersive quest line that honors the rich history and lore, with the unique and specific set of armor being the ultimate reward at the end of the chain.

In Patch 10.1, Humans and Orcs received their Heritage Armor sets, while players of the Warcraft universe’s oldest races were able to play through Alliance and Horde-themed quest chains that paid homage to the lush histories of WoW’s two core factions.
Characters like Thrall, Aggra, and Mathias Shaw—all of whom should be instantly recognizable to players of those races—played major roles in those quest chains. It’s almost a given that high-ranking Night Elves and Undead characters from the Warcraft lore will be involved in those races’ Heritage Armor quest chains when they go live, with Tyrande Whisperwind, Malfurion Stormrage, and Calia Menethil all being potential options.
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With Night Elves and Forsaken getting their own Heritage Armor sets, only four races have yet to receive them: Pandaren, Dracthyr, Trolls, and Draenei; it’s possible they could receive their sets by the end of Dragonflight, if Blizzard continues to pump out sets for the races that had been lagging behind.
All of the game’s Allied Races received Heritage Armor as a perk of their more recent launches when they were added during Battle for Azeroth.
The Heritage Armor quest chains for Night Elves and Undead will go live when WoW Patch 10.1.7 launches later this year.
Published: Jul 14, 2023 2:03 AM UTC