Getting yourself a solid pair of shoulderguards in WoW Classic is one of the first indicators that your character is making some serious progress.
Throughout a new WoW character’s first 20 levels, getting a pair of shoulders, albeit a good pair, is going to be tough. You don’t really start encountering shoulders—as open-world drops or as quest rewards—until you start running some of the game’s more difficult leveling dungeons. One of the most desirable pairs of shoulders you can get from a WoW Classic dungeon is the Mantle of Thieves, which drops in the Razorfen Kraul dungeon.
Although it might be relatively difficult to get your hands on the Mantle of Thieves, especially considering its low drop chance and all of the hard-to-kill enemies you’ll need to take down if you want to grab it, the reward is well worth the effort.
WoW Classic: Mantle of Thieves drop location and chance

The Mantle of Thieves is a leather armor item that goes in the “Shoulders” slot. It requires a minimum character level of 25, which makes it a perfect “endgame” item during the first phase of the WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Although it’ll likely get replaced at some point during the next phase of content, the Mantle of Thieves is going to be one of the strongest options available to you for a while, so it might be in your best interest to go grab it.
The rare quality shoulderguards yield immense stats, with +10 Agility, +4 Stamina, and +3 Spirit being the bonuses attached to the item. These stats make it a best-in-slot option for Hunters and Druids.
The Mantle of Thieves only drops off enemies inside the Razorfen Kraul dungeon. It has a remarkably low drop chance of less than one-tenth of one percent, according to WoW database Wowhead.
Alternatively, you could buy the shoulders off the Auction House, but good luck. The extreme rarity factor plus the hard-to-clear nature of Razorfen Kraul has driven the price of the Mantle of Thieves through the roof during the first phase of SoD.
Published: Jan 5, 2024 8:33 PM UTC