A VALORANT player shared a fact about Sova’s drone that isn’t known by most players, not because it’s hidden, but because no one actually thought of testing it out (other than that person, obviously).
Shared in a Reddit thread on May 29, the feature in question is that Sova’s Owl Drone ability doesn’t have a sensitivity cap, which means players can make it look everywhere at once with a mouse DPI that’s high enough. A Redditor showed off the feature with a video.
Players expressed how surprised they were to discover the drone could turn around as fast as the cursor could move. “Bro isnt clearing angles, he’s clearing the whole map,” a player joked in the top-voted comments.
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They were surprised to learn this because of the drone’s moving restrictions, which can hint at it having a capped movement speed as well. It feels very slow and is clunky to control at first.
Whether this information can be used to get the edge on a match was a subject for debate in the comments. The main use of the drone is to find enemies and throw them a dart that will keep revealing them until they take it out. Making it turn too fast won’t help with that, since players must aim to land their shot and won’t succeed if they move too fast.
On the other side, the drone can also be a useful tool to gather information on the enemy’s location even without using the dart. Players can communicate information they retrieved to their allies, and turning the drone fast will help to get as much information as they can before the drone is taken down, so it can be useful in some cases.
VALORANT players explained in the comments that how fast the drove moves is determined by the mouse’s DPI rather than sensitivity. The sensitivity can directly be adjusted in the game, while DPI determines the speed at which the cursor moves and is set directly on the mouse’s setup. So if your DPI is low, you still might struggle with making the drone turn too fast.
Even though Sova was released alongside VALORANT‘s initial launch, players often find new details and angles on how to use his recon abilities in the game’s different maps.
Published: May 30, 2023 3:33 PM UTC