Riot Games has confirmed the seventh Teamfight Tactics set will officially release in June, containing new and returning mechanics that take place in the dragon realms.
With Neon Nights starting to wrap up and the Gizmos and Gadgets World Championship taking place from April 29 to May 1, Riot has started to release information about TFT Set Seven. The upcoming Dragonlands set will contain a total of seven dragons with their own trait, a Treasure Dragon event in place of Raptors, legendary dragons that cost 10 gold, and dragon shrines to hold Hextech Augments.
Players can test out TFT Set Seven through the PBE servers when it releases on May 24, late in the afternoon. Starting with Patch 12.10, players can expect several or more weekly balance changes applied to Set Seven while it’s available on the PBE servers. The official launch date for TFT Set Seven is June 8 via Patch 12.11.

The TFT Dragonlands set will also include new Little Legends and Chibi Champions, from the return of Choncc as a Mythic Little Legend to Yasuo joining Ekko, Jinx, and Vi as a Chibi Champion. And improvements are continually getting made to the Double Up mode.
Expected to drop closer to the Set Seven MidSet, changes include Double Up counting toward the Ranked ladder, team chat, premade lobbies, Double Up specific Hextech Augments, and special Armory assist options.
Hextech Augments will carry over from TFT Set Six to Set Seven, although the timing of when they are offered may change. Similar to Gizmos and Gadgets, the Augments will contain trait-specific choices and general options that can slot into a variety of Dragonlands comps.
Update May 10 2:30pm CT: New information was added to when TFT Set Seven Dragonlands releases and what is contained in the upcoming set following the release of a Riot dev video.
Published: May 10, 2022 7:30 PM UTC