The Teamfight Tactics patch schedule for the months of February and March will feature a large break between Patch 12.5 and 12.6, according to game design director Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer.
It’s only been a few days since the release of TFT Set 6.5 Neon Nights, showcasing a number of playable comps and a healthy launch meta so far. Depending on how the meta continues to develop, a B-patch may take place on Feb. 23. Patch 12.5 is scheduled to drop on March 2 and the TFT team has built-in a possible B-patch on either March 8 or 9 for the 12.5 update, if necessary.
If there isn’t a 12.5 B-patch, the next update isn’t scheduled to take place until March 30 via Patch 12.6. This means there could be four weeks of time in between Patch 12.5 and Patch 12.6 unless a B-patch takes place.
TFT Neon Nights contains over 80 additional Hextech Augments, along with new champions and traits. Ahri has taken over as one of the strongest AP carriers in Set 6.5, while new champions like Silco are powering up your units with the slight chance that they might explode if the battle doesn’t end quickly enough. And Renata Glasc has proven herself as a mighty support champion.
Players can test out all the new Set 6.5 Augments and Neon Nights synergies on the live TFT servers now, along with future balance changes on the PBE servers.
Published: Feb 18, 2022 9:50 PM UTC