Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets contains a total of 58 Teamfight Tactics champions that can support the team and obliterate enemies when equipped with best-in-slot items.
Items within TFT Set Six aren’t the focus of Gizmos and Gadgets due to the new mechanic, Hextech Augments. They still play an integral role, however, especially on carriers and frontline tanks. Placing the right items on an early-game carry champion can help a player manage their gold via win streaks and battles are sometimes decided by the best TFT item being put on a support unit.
From ranged attackers and utility to tanks and caster units, here are the best TFT items for each of the 58 champions in Set Six Gizmos and Gadgets.
AP champions and items
- Ziggs: Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Archangel’s Staff
- Graves: Spear of Shojin and Jeweled Gauntlet
- Caitlyn: Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Infinity Edge
- Twisted Fate: Blue Buff and Jeweled Gauntlet
- Zyra: Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Morellonomicon
- Zilean: Blue Buff, Archangel’s Staff, and Jeweled Gauntlet
- Vi: Blue Buff and Jeweled Gauntlet
- Quinn: Spear of Shojin and Jeweled Gauntlet
- Lulu: Spear of Shojin, Chalice of Power, and Shroud of Stillness
- Katarina: Blue Buff and Hextech Gunblade
- Miss Fortune: Spear of Shojin and Deathcap
- Swain: Deathcap, Titan’s Resolve, and Quicksilver
- Malzahar: Jeweled Gauntlet, Infinity Edge, and Ionic Spark
- Lissandra: Morellonomicon, Deathcap, and Hextech Gunblade
- Heimerdinger: Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Infinity Edge
- Ekko: Frozen Heart and Morellonomicon
- Seraphine: Spear of Shojin, Morellonomicon, and Deathcap
- Orianna: Chalice of Power, Archangel’s Staff, and Statikk Shiv
- Lux: Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Blue Buff
- Janna: Spear of Shojin, Chalice of Power, and Banshee’s Claw
- Yummi: Warmogs and Blue Buff
- Viktor: Spear of Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Blue Buff
- Akali: Infinity Edge and Deathcap
AD champions and items
- Twitch: Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Runaan’s Hurricane
- Tristana: Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, and Deathblade
- Ezreal: Infinity Edge and Last Whisper
- Talon: Infinity Edge, Hand of Justice, and Rapid Firecannon
- Kog’Maw: Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Giant Slayer, and Quicksilver
- Warwick: Runaan’s Hurricane, Hand of Justice, and Quicksilver
- Shaco: Last Whisper, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Infinity Edge
- Samira: Last Whisper, Bloodthirster, and Runaan’s Hurricane
- Katarina: Blue Buff, Infinity Edge, and Deathcap
- Gangplank: Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster
- Trundle: Bloodthirster and Runaan’s Hurricane
- Yone: Last Whisper and Runaan’s Hurricane
- Urgot: Last Whisper, Runaan’s Hurricane, and Guardian Angel
- Jhin: Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, and Quickslilver
- Fiora: Giant Slayer, Titan’s Resolve, Infinity Edge, and Jeweled Gauntlet
- Kai’Sa: Morellonomicon, Archangel’s Staff, Guardian Angel
- Jinx: Infinity Edge, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Giant Slayer
- Jayce: Last Whisper, Infinity Edge, and Hand of Justice
Tank champions and items
- Fling: Warmogs and Sunfire Cape
- Poppy: Gargoyle Stoneplate and Titans Resolve
- Kassadin: Warmogs Armor, Bramble Vest, and Redemption
- Illaoi: Warmogs and Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Garen: Warmogs and Bloodthirster
- Darius: Titans Resolve and Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Camille: Sunfire Cape and Titans Resolve
- Blitzcrank: Banshee’s Claw
- Zac: Sunfire Cape and Gargoyle Stoneplate
- Vex: Bramble Vest and Ionic Spark
- Taric: Warmogs and Sunfire Cape
- Leona: Bramble Vest and Redemption
- Cho’Gath: Bramble Vest, Redemption, and Dragon’s Claw
- Dr. Mundo: Warmogs, Bramble Vest, and Redemption
- Braum: Warmogs, Bramble Vest, and Redemption
- Tahm Kench: Warmogs, Redemption, and Archangel’s Staff
- Sion: Bramble Vest, Jeweled Gauntlet, and Redemption
- Galio: Warmogs, Bramble Vest, Dragon’s Claw, and Morellonomicon
Update Jan. 25 at 7:50pm CT: TFT Set Six champions and their best-in-slot items were updated following Patch 12.2.
Published: Jan 25, 2022 1:50 PM UTC