When a new Spotlight Hour rolls around every Tuesday, there is a different featured Pokémon and bonus available to take advantage of in Pokémon Go. After a recent set of curveballs, the final Spotlight Hour for March will focus on Hoppip.
Running on March 26 from 6pm to 7pm local time, Hoppip is going to be appearing more frequently in the wild for Pokémon Go players taking part in the Spotlight Hour. A special event bonus will be live throughout the duration too, giving players another reason to get involved as the Cottonweed Pokémon settles into the spotlight.
Pokémon Go Hoppip Spotlight hour event guide and bonuses

During the Hoppip Spotlight Hour on March 26, the Grass/Flying-type will be spawning more frequently in the wild and you will earn double Candy when catching any Pokémon.
When it comes to Spotlight Hours, double Catch Candy is not the best bonus unless you are trying to train up whatever Pokémon is featured in bulk. For Hoppip, you do need 25 Candy to evolve it into Skiploom and then an additional 100 Candy to reach Jumpluff—but the evolution line is not particularly powerful outside of the Great League for PvP usage, at least in Go.
If you already have a Jumpluff and don’t plan on training another one up for PvP usage, this event is a good chance to Shiny hunt Hoppip while it is a guaranteed spawn.
Outside of that, it serves very little purpose compared to events like the Pawmi or multi-Pokémon Spotlight Hours that happened earlier this month.
Published: Mar 26, 2024 5:59 AM UTC