Wiglett has made its way over to Pokémon Go, and you now have a chance to encounter it while playing the game. Wiglett does have a second transformation, Wugtrio, and you can evolve it if you meet specific requirements.
There are specific requirements you should meet every time you attempt to catch a Wiglett when playing Pokémon Go. You might want to try catching multiple Wigletts to get the one with the best stats, offering a decent chance for Wiglett to join a future team. But you might also find that there are better Water-type choices you can prioritize outside of trying to fill out the rest of your PokéDex.
Here’s what you need to know about how to evolve Wiglett in Pokémon Go.
How Wiglett evolves into Wugtrio in Pokémon Go

Wiglett has joined Pokémon Go as part of the Rediscover Kanto special event. You can only evolve a Wiglett into a Wugtrio if you use 50 Wiglett candies. You can earn Wiglett candies by catching multiple Wigletts, using Pinap Berries when attempting to catch a Wiglett, and transferring any extra Wigletts you catch to Professor Willow. If there’s a chance for Wiglett to hatch from an egg, you’ll receive a sizeable amount of Wiglett candies at the same time.
Acquiring at least 50 Wiglett candies should be a manageable hurdle, but tracking down Wigletts could be challenging as they can only appear in the Beach biome when playing Pokémon Go. If you don’t live near a beach or a location that meets these requirements, there’s a good chance Wiglett won’t spawn for you, and you’ll have to wait until you find time to explore a location with sand and are close to an ocean.
Even though Wiglett might be hard to catch, Wugtrio isn’t a largely desirable Pokémon. It doesn’t have the best stats, with a maximum CP of 2,142, an attack of 184, a defense of 126, and a stamina of 105. With its low stamina and defense, Wugtrio won’t be able to withstand too many attacks before it falls in combat, and it doesn’t have a good moveset. The best moveset you should try to go for is the fast move Water Gun and the charged moves Surf and Dig.
Outside of catching a Wiglett to evolve Wugtrio to add them to your PokéDex, it’s a relatively lackluster Pokémon in Pokémon Go. It may get additional attacks in the future, but its overall stats could mean this Pokémon might be best to avoid.
Published: Apr 22, 2024 8:10 PM UTC