Originally ran during Pokémon Go Tour: Kanto all the way back in January 2021, Niantic is bringing back an older set of Masterwork Research with some retooled rewards for players during the game’s Seventh Anniversary Party. Not only will this be a chance to earn some nice rewards, but it is also a way for anyone to encounter a guaranteed Shiny Mew.
For the low, low cost of $5, while the Seventh Anniversary Celebration is running from July 6 to 12, players can access Masterwork Research: All-in-One 151. Remember, you can finish this at any point if you have purchased the research ticket.
While all of the research tasks remain unchanged from the original run for this Masterwork Research, it will still take players a long time to complete everything. The Shiny Mew is a good carrot to lead some players in, but just note you will need to do things like catch every Pokémon from Kanto and reach level 40 just to get that reward.
If you are like me, this research is still worth it just because you can clear it over time and walk away with a Shiny Mew. If you are on the fence about the main reward though, you should probably just pass and focus on catching useful Starter Pokémon.
Should you choose to pay the Masterwork tax, here are all of the All-in-One 151 research tasks and rewards.

Pokémon Go: Full Masterwork Research: All-in-One 151 research tasks and rewards
All-in-One 151 page one
- Get a Platinum Kanto Medal
- 51 Ulta Balls
- Send 151 Gifts to Friends
- One Poffin
- Make 151 Great Throws
- 1,510 Stardust
Total Reward: 5,100 XP, one Premium Battle Pass, and 1,510 Stardust
All-in-One 151 page two
- Catch a Pokémon 30 Days in a Row
- 51 Ultra Balls
- Catch 151 different species of Pokémon
- One Glacial Lure Module
- Catch 30 Normal-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Fire-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Water-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Grass-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Flying-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Fighting-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Poison-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Electric-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Ground-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Rock-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Psychic-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Ice-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Bug-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Ghost-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Steel-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Dragon-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Dark-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
- Catch 30 Fairy-type Pokémon
- 151 XP
Total Reward: 5,100 XP, three Rare Candies, and 1,510 Stardust
All-in-One 151 page three
- Reach Level 40
- 4,000 Stardust
- Spin 151 Poké Stops
- Three Rocket Radars
- Complete 151 Field Research tasks
- Three Super Incubators
- Walk 151km
- 151 Ultra Balls
- Catch 1,510 Pokémon
- One Incense
Total rewards: One Star Piece, Shiny Mew encounter, and one Lucky Egg
All-in-One 151 page four
- Claim Reward!
- 1,510 Stardust
- Claim Reward!
- 5,100 XP
- Claim Reward!
- 1,510 Stardust
Total rewards: Three Charged TM, 20 Mew Candy, and a Shiny Mew t-shirt
Related: All Pokémon Go 7th Anniversary Party Timed Research tasks and rewards
If you already completed the Masterwork Research: All-in-One 151, you can’t complete it again but can purchase the ticket to claim the following event bonuses.
- Double Incense duration
- Double Daily Adventure Incense duration
- Double Lure duration
Masterwork Research can take a long time to complete, so if you haven’t wrapped up your Shiny Jirachi Wish Granted tasks from Go Tour: Hoenn earlier this year, you can do that alongside this revamped content too.
Published: Jul 25, 2023 8:39 AM UTC