In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, players assume the role of a student Pokémon trainer. Throughout their journey across Paldea, players will encounter fellow students, professors, and other characters affiliated with their academy, given that most of the game’s plot revolves around an off-campus research project. Players can even take Pokémon classes, such as biology, which come complete with midterm and final exams.
Unlike most schooling systems in the real world, students in the Pokémon world sign up for classes of their own volition, without it being a requirement in any way. After attending a class, players can take tests that provide both tangible benefits and knowledge about the Pokémon world and Paldea in general.
Given that most players will not walk around Paldea with extensive knowledge of their Pokémon’s biological systems, the in-game Biology tests can be difficult to pass without doing some prior research. If you want to ace your Biology midterms and finals on the first try, look no further.
Related: All history midterm and final answers in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
All Biology midterm answers in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
There are five questions on the Biology midterm that players will need to answer, with some information being retreaded in the future final.
These are all the questions on the Biology midterm in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
- Question: What button would you use to let a Pokémon out of its ball so that it can walk with you? Answer: ZR
- Question: Combine one letter and one number below to correctly say when and where Eggs are found. Answer: A, 2
- Question: Which of the following is an effective way to warm up Eggs? Answer: Walking around
- Question: What will NOT make Pokémon easier to catch? Answer: Giving them a berry.
- Question: What will make it easier to catch Pokémon of higher and higher levels? Answer: Gym badges.
All Biology finals answers in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Similar to the Biology midterm, the final exam also follows a five-question format. Here are all the questions on the Biology final exam and their answers:
- Question: How many of the following four methods make it easier to catch a Pokémon? Answer: Two.
- Question: True or false? You can get new Pokémon only by catching them yourself or trading with other trainers. Answer: False.
- Question: If a Pokémon is holding an Everstone, will using an item that induces Evolution, such as a Fire Stone, cause it to evolve? Answer: No, it won’t.
- Question: What is the probability of running into a Shiny Pokémon? Answer: 1 in 4,000.
- Question: True or false? The Pokémon known as Oricorio has three forms. Answer: False.
Published: Dec 3, 2022 01:04 pm