League of Legends: Wild Rift’s first patch of the new year is here. Patch 2.0 brings five new champions, a party-finder feature, a new season, and much more to the mobile game.
Wild Rift is available in most regions of the world except North America, South America, and India. Riot has said the game will be released in these regions next spring, although an exact release date hasn’t been revealed yet.
Related: Riot executive producer explains Wild Rift’s delay in North America, South America, and India
Here are the complete notes and updates for Wild Rift’s patch 2.0. The balance changes for the patch haven’t been released, but they will be unveiled soon, according to Riot.
New champions
Riot has been teasing the addition of new champions for the past few days. Today, it was confirmed that five champions from Bandle City will be coming to Wild Rift.





Party Finder
- This new feature will allow players to easily find suitable allies to jump onto the Summoner’s Rift with.
- Party owners will be able to make their lobbies public by clicking the option on the top right corner of the lobby screen.
- Players can also join open lobbies by navigating to the option on the bottom left corner of the home screen.
- Open lobbies can be filtered by type. The feature will also automatically recommend some lobbies to join.
Latency Indicators
- Riot has removed the latency indicator from the homepage as it wasn’t accurate in showing the ping a player would get in the game.
- This has been replaced with a network indicator which tells the network a player is on (WiFi, 4G, and so on) and an in-game indicator showing the real latency a player would experience in matches.
Social Sharing
- A social sharing feature has been added which allows players to share their stats on Facebook or save them to the camera roll.
- Players will be able to use this feature with the end-of-game scoreboard, end-of-game personal performance, career most played champ, season rank, win streak, new champ acquired, new skin acquired, and leaderboard screens.
Map Description
- Players will now be able to explore Wild Rift’s abridged Summoner’s Rift in detail.
Tutorial Optimization
- Players may now be prompted to take performance-improving tutorials based on their gameplay.
Champion Mastery Emotes
- Players will get this emote on reaching Mastery Level five with a champion.
Several new skins are coming to Wild Rift in this patch.
- Sad Robot Amumu
- Urfrider Corki
- Arcade Corki
- Star Guardian Janna
- Star Guardian Jinx
- Arctic Ops Kennen
- Star Guardian Lulu
- Dragon Trainer Lulu
- Star Guardian Lux
- Cottontail Teemo
- Guerilla Tristana
- Arclight Varus
- Little Devil Teemo
- Little Demon Tristana
- Wicked Lulu
- Super Kennen
- Star Guardian Ezreal
Free-to-play Champion Rotation
- Jan. 7 to 13: Barum, Camille, Fizz, Graves, Jhin, Malphite, Orianna, Shyvana, Sona, and Varus.
- Jan. 14 to 20: Akali, Alistar, Dr. Mundo, Drave, Jarvan IV, Miss Fortune, Soraka, Tryndamere, Xin Zhao, and Zed.
Game Systems
Ping Replies
- Players can now reply to pings.
Dragon/ Baron Respawn Timers
- The spawn timers for these monsters will be shown on the scoreboard.
- Some UI improvements have also been made to the minimap.
Scoreboard Logic
- Enemy information on the scoreboard will now update only after players gain vision of them.
New Emotes Wheel
- The emotes wheel can now be accessed by holding down on your champion.
System Message UI
- The system messages will not block the player’s view of their own champion.
Detailed Stats
- Players will now be able to see a more detailed breakdown of stats on the stats tabs of the scoreboard.
- This includes the damage reduction (in percentage) of armor and magic resistance items and conversion from ability haste to cooldown reduction.
Tower Prioritization
- Towers will now prioritize super minions over siege minions.
Season one
- The first ranked season of Wild Rift will begin on Jan. 8, 2021.
- Every player who participated in season zero will receive some rewards when it ends.
- A new event called Yordle Expedition will arrive into Wild Rift with the five new champions.
- Players can find the new champions through this event.
Other Notes
- The matchmaking system has been tuned for better game quality and ranked experience.
- The Leaderboard now updates every 10-15 minutes rather than every 24 hours.
- Improvements have been made to the chat feature and the friends’ list filters.
- Some UX changes have also been made for social interactions.
Published: Jan 5, 2021 3:19 AM UTC