Released in November 2024, just ahead of the holidays, the Minion Prince is the fifth hero in Clash of Clans. It was briefly teased by Supercell before the release as “Undisclosed Character” and “Private Investigator.”
Being the only hero that can defend as an aerial unit, Minion Prince stands out from the four previous heroes. He is the fifth hero overall, and there are four hero slots in battles—which means that players now have more possible combinations of Heroes to choose from. Upgrading a hero leaves them out of the team, so having five heroes means you can have a full team while upgrading as well.
In a similar feature to other heroes, you can’t unlock the Minion Prince manually. Instead, he is unlocked automatically upon reaching a certain Hero Hall upgrade level. Here is all you need to know about the Minion Prince.
When is Minion Prince Hero unlocked in Clash of Clans?

Minion Prince unlocks automatically when you upgrade your Hero Hall to level three. That places him between the Archer Queen (Hero Hall level two) and the Grand Warden (Hero Hall level five) in terms of game progression. You must also reach Town Hall level nine.
But here’s the catch: if you have surpassed Town Hall level nine, but haven’t built your Hero Hall yet, the Minion Prince is automatically unlocked as soon as you build the Hero Hall.
Previous new heroes for Clash of Clans were usually released for higher Town Hall levels. Minion Prince, however, was released for Town Hall level nine, despite launching with Town Hall level 17. With the release, Supercell included a guide to know which level of the Minion Prince you get, based on your Hero Hall and Town Hall levels. Any level beyond level one means the new hero is automatically upgraded.
The breakdown looks something like this, according to the developer:
Your Hero Hall level | Level you get Minion Prince |
One | – |
Two | – |
Three | 1 |
Four | 10 |
Five | 20 |
Six | 30 |
Seven | 40 |
Eight | 50 |
Nine | 60 |
10 | 70 |
This essentially means that if your Hero Hall is already upgraded beyond level three, you should also get a higher-level Minion Prince on unlock. The higher your Hero Hall, the more levels your Minion Prince will have when unlocking him.
To learn more, check out Supercell’s website for more information on the maximum levels of each hero.
Published: Nov 28, 2024 02:44 pm