There haven’t been any patches with changes that could shake up the meta since the start of Season 13 in League of Legends—until now. With Patch 13.10, several new and changed items are coming to the Rift, which could change the meta for AD carries.
Right now, four of the five top champions with the best win rates are ADCs, specifically Swain, Seraphine, Karthus, and Nilah, according to League stats tracking website U.GG. And while the item changes won’t directly affect these ability power champs, the same can’t be said for many of the attack damage marksmen.
Some of the items being altered or added in Patch 13.10 include:
- Bloodthirster
- Galeforce
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Immortal Shieldbow
- Infinity Edge
- Kraken Slayer
- Kircheis Shard
- Mortal Reminder
- Navori Quickblades
- Phantom Dancer
- Rageknife
- Rapid Firecannon
- Runaan’s Hurricane
- Stormrazor
- The Collector
If you’re an ADC main or enjoy playing ADC champs in League ARAM lobbies, you’ll know many of these items are essential for specific champions.
For the most part, these items have been buffed or given new passives, and in some cases, like Kircheis Shard and Immortal Shieldbow, the additional attack speed bonuses have been removed. So, you may be in trouble if you rely on attack speed to whittle down your enemy’s health rather than damage percentage.
Nilah has the highest win rate when equipped with Bloodthirster, Immortal Shieldbow, and Phantom Dancer, all of which offer great bonuses and lots of attack speed. But with these new changes, Immortal Shieldbow no longer gives bonus attack speed. Phantom Dancer and Immortal Shieldbow gain a slight increase in attack speed, although it’s not enough to compensate for the attack speed loss from the new Immortal Shieldbow.
So, players may want to take Kraken Slayer for the increased attack speed it gets in this patch or another AD item entirely.
Kog’Maw’s build often includes Blade of the Ruined King, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Runaan’s Hurricane. But with the Patch 13.10 changes, you’ll get less attack speed, and they’re more expensive. So, you may need to be mindful while shopping.
While it’s hard to say what will happen to these ADCs, among others like Jinx, Miss Fortune, or Lucian, it’s clear there will be a significant shift in how they’re built. And also, what stats or bonuses you’ll want to prioritize from Patch 13.10 onwards, as there’s a hefty reduction in the attack speed bonuses that many items offer.
But we can agree everything will feel different from Thursday, May 18, when the midseason League Patch 13.10 changes hit the live servers to shake up the meta.
Published: May 18, 2023 4:45 AM UTC