Riot Games is preparing to help several “languishing” League of Legends champion with a pile of buffs in League Patch 13.12, with the eight lucky champions in line for the Season 13 boosts unveiled today.
Phlox, one of the key League developers, shared the pre-patch notes on Twitter on June 5, naming champions from Ashe and Gangplank to Kai’Sa, Ryze, and Orianna.
All up, the champions set to be buffed in the Patch 13.12 update are Ashe, Gangplank, Kai’Sa, Nasus, Orianna, Ryze, Sivir, and Viktor.
While most of the changes are mid and bot lane-focused, Gangplank and Nasus have snuck into the winners’ circle—they both are in sore need of help, especially Gangplank, who has a 48.03 percent win rate.
The exact buffs these eight champions will receive have yet to be revealed, but top League dev boss Matt “Phroxzon Leung-Harrison said the impending buffs should go a long way to helping each of the characters, especially Kai’Sa, who are experiencing itemization issues, as well as those who have been suffering for a while.
Related: This League champ dominates the Rift, Abyss after Patch 13.11 buffs
This isn’t totally surprising, as Riot has continued to play around with the season 13 meta quite heavily, including with big jungle and bot lane changes. A number of key items were also tweaked in Patch 13.10. When these meta-shifting changes hit the Rift, their effects can take time to show and we rarely know how they’ll change a champion’s win, loss, ban, or pick rates.
But, seeing as most of these champions have either poor pick rates or win rates—and in some cases, both—for a long time, the Riot devs have finally pulled the trigger on buffs that should help them fight their way back into meta contention.
We’ll have to see how and what the buffs are once the update rolls around. Riot is expected to ship these changes onto live servers on June 14 next week.
Published: Jun 6, 2023 5:57 AM UTC