The main premise of Redfall is killing some blood-sucking vampires, but your first kill in the game will be eliminating some humans (don’t worry, we can assure you that those guys suck, too). The first vampire encounter you have, however, is waiting at the end of your first mission in the fire station.
There are a couple of ways you can kill a vampire in Redfall. Most of them will need to be finished in close combat, while others won’t need the stake to the heart to die.
Related: Full mission list for Redfall
How to permanently kill vampires in Redfall

As a general rule, you’ll need to have a weapon equipped with a stake in order to truly kill a vampire. Gun bullets will damage the vampire’s health, but they won’t kill it. Once you have depleted its health, you’ll have to get close to it and use a stake to finish it off.
You can modify your weapons to attach stakes to them, but the best weapon to kill a vampire with in Redfall is the Stake Launcher. It will do much more damage than the average pistol and will instantly finish off the vampire without having to get up close.
There are other options you can use to finish a vampire without having to use a stake, however. An alternative is setting them on fire, using a UV light to petrify and then shatter them, or using your character’s ability to put them down.
You can even get creative by exploding cars and gas tanks while combining that with your character’s abilities. As long as you go the extra mile and use one of the methods above, we can guarantee that those vampires will stay dead.
Published: May 2, 2023 9:22 PM UTC