We added a new code!
Summoners War codes offer a variety of free items, including scrolls, energy, and more, varying with each code you redeem. These codes are great monthly freebies that provide a small but helpful boost to your gameplay. In this guide, we delve into the most recent, active codes.
With Summoners War now on Steam, there’s a surge in players searching for active and working codes. Despite numerous lists claiming to have current codes, my thorough personal testing has led to a curated list of truly active codes, which I’ve compiled for you below. Additionally, I’ve included a list of expired codes for cross-referencing purposes, should you come across any codes elsewhere and wish to verify them against our list.
All active Summoners War codes
Below is the list of Summoners War codes I’ve confirmed to be working.
- SWELTOWIN—Redeem for rewards (New)
- EULEAGUE5—Redeem for rewards (New)
- SWELTOTOP—Redeem for rewards
- LEAGUEWEEK4—Redeem for rewards
- seeu1n26aga1n—Redeem for rewards
- krnakay0sh1jp—Redeem for rewards
- y0uk0s0sm25—Redeem for rewards
- G3TSWMYTG1FT—Redeem for rewards
- SWELFORU—Redeem for rewards
- EULEAGUEGO—Redeem for rewards
- THX4ENJDSCOLLAB—Redeem for rewards
- SW2025MAR1N3—Redeem for rewards
- SWEL2025—Redeem for rewards
- SWELHYPE—Redeem for rewards
- SWELISHERE—Redeem for rewards
- SWELDAY1—Redeem for rewards
- SW2025FEB3D9—Redeem for 3 Fire Scrolls and 300k Mana Stones
- SWXDSHAPPY25—Redeem for rewards
- SW2025JAN6A8—Redeem for rewards
- DEVNOTE2025DSCOLLAB—Redeem for rewards
- SW2025JAN6A8—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024DECS9Q—Redeem for rewards
- SARABASWC2024—Redeem for rewards
- SWC24SAISYUKESSEN—Redeem for rewards
- YOUKOSOSWC24WF—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024NOVU5Z—Redeem for rewards
- APACSANSANG2024—Redeem for rewards
- DINHNOCSWC2024—Redeem for rewards
- HENGAPTOKYO1109—Redeem for rewards
- SWSAXBASHARKKF3I9—Redeem for rewards
- NEXTAPACCUP26OCT—Redeem for rewards
- AMERICASCUPRIZZUP—Redeem for rewards
- VIVALASVEGASSWC2024—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024OCTM6B—Redeem for rewards
- RINGFREISWC2024—Redeem for rewards
- SWC24FERTIGLOS—Redeem for rewards
- AUFNACHJAPAN24—Redeem for rewards
- 2024WEREGOIN2VEGAS—Redeem for rewards
- SWCWANNAGO2VEGAS—Redeem for rewards
- SWCNONATUGAKITA—Redeem for rewards
- SWC24JPNODEBAN—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024SEPM1V—Redeem for 3 Water Scrolls and 300k Mana Stones
- IDOMESWC2024—Redeem for 500k Mana Stone
- 24NIPPON1NINARE—Redeem for rewards
- WFDEMATTERUZE—Redeem for rewards
- SWCLAISHANGHAI24—Redeem for 500k Mana Stone and 100 Crystals
- JINGDIANBISAIZAISWC—Redeem for 200 Energy and a SWC2024 Emblem
- LIANGMINGJINWF24—Redeem for 5 MS and a SWC2024 Emblem
- SW2024AUGO2E—Redeem for rewards
- SWXJJKTHQ24—Redeem for 3 Mystical Scrolls, 100 Energy, and 300k Mana Stones
- SW2024JULN4T—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024JUNE6U—Redeem for rewards
- SWSOUL200—Redeem for 200 Ally Summon Tickets
- SW2024MAYR9S—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024APRS3R—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024MARW1M—Redeem for rewards
- SW2024FEBA7S—Redeem for rewards
All other codes you may come across are currently inactive.
Cross-checking expired Summoners War codes
Below is a list of all Summoners War codes that no longer work. They are here for you to check and compare with other sources, though I have personally verified they don’t work anymore.
- sw2023dex3r
- 24best4th
- cusoonlt25
- ready4swc23
- march2023
- swgenesis284ac
- happyvalentine23
- tunianzhaohuan
- sw2023mrp4m
- sw2023fev2u
- sw2023jae6s
- happy2023
- lucky777
- merrysamana
- s24cunextyear
- lastlt23of2022
- marionnettiste
- christmas2022
- sw2022dec06
- newchallenge1127
- swlcsummer
- swlcen426
- swlcsummer21
- swlcen675
- swc23shallreturn
- 2022wfliveinseoul
- hwanyounghaeswc
- letsgoswc22
- sw2022nov25
- halloween2022
- jerkanwf
- apacjubjub
- raknaswc2022
- apaccupoct22cya
- keepsummoning22
- 1008nycamericas
- sw2022oct34
- cannongirl333
- newseason23gg
- enjoy22watching
- findellia030
- cuatamericas22
- quiserano1
- auflosgehtslos22
- womenyaoguanjun
- jingcaidebisai
- zuiqiangsaiqu
- arenamaster22
- sw2022sep90
- sw2023jnf2n
- swupdatelive23
- sw2023mys8o
- 9oatsummonermoayo
- 9oatsummoner
- tokgwangju
- swcreed23
- sw2023apj3m
- 9oatsummonerbjpange
- 9oatsummonersomac
- summonerduty71
- may20tyoshoubu
- nipponchachacha
- krteamgabojago
- last5go2tokyo
- ikesupermatch
- jpdaihyouhadare
- mutjidasupermatch
- supermatch23lego
How to claim code rewards inside Summoners War

To redeem Summoners War codes right in the game, first tap the Events icon in the main area. Next, in the window that pops up, select the Event tab. Scroll down until you spot a banner labeled “Enter your promo code here.” Click on it, and a new window with a field for entering the code will appear. After typing in the code, hit Enter, and your rewards will be sent directly to the game
Published: Mar 20, 2025 6:40 AM UTC