Fortnite’s latest update has released a plethora of new weekly missions that you can undertake to help progress through your battle pass. One weekly task that players may notice repeats fairly often is a mission which requires you to mark either an enemy player or character.
Marking players means to notate your target with a red outline on your screen. Even if concealed behind cover, or far away, the marked player will remain on your screen as a red outlined figure. You should note that this is different than pinging, which can also be used to notate either important locations or enemy players.
In order to complete this weekly assignment, you will need to mark, not ping, an enemy player. As there are only a few ways to complete this task, many Fortnite players have needed help wrapping up this mission. If you are trying to mark a player in Fortnite, here’s what you need to do.
Marking Players in Fortnite, full guide
There are two primary ways that you can mark an enemy player in Fortnite. First, players can use the Bloodhound perk to mark others. This is undoubtedly the easiest way to mark another player, though it does require some luck.
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Throughout the course of a lobby in Fortnite, players will be granted exclusive augments that give players special abilities. The Bloodhound perk marks players struck by either rifle or bow shots. Before taking this perk, you should be aware that it only works with the two previously used weapons.
Next, you can also mark enemies by raising a flag in a captured POI. After the flag has been risen, any enemies in the area will immediately be marked red. Though not quite as easy as simply tagging an enemy with your rifle, this method is also a quick way to complete your mission.
Either method you use, the mission will be completed as soon as your enemy is tagged.
Published: May 2, 2023 7:58 PM UTC